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On sale

'Dionaea Muscipula'... 'Dionaea Muscipula'... 2
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4827 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Dionaea Muscipula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.30 €7.00
Generality of the Dionaea Muscipula Plant: The carnivorous plant Dionea is one of the most appreciated of the genus and also among the most widespread in Italy: also called "acchiappamosche", this plant feeds on insects: the flies are attracted by the color and smell that give off the leaves but as soon as they arrive inside the leaves close like a...
'Drosera Capensis'...
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Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.29 €6.99
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Drosera Capensis'... 'Drosera Capensis'... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
437 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.29 €6.99
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Drosera Capensis'...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1027 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€22.41 €24.90
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
'Friariello' Pepper Seeds 'Friariello' Pepper Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1630 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

'Friariello' Pepper Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
'Heliamphora' Carnivorous...
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Carnivorous plants

'Heliamphora' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€10.71 €11.90
Generality of the Heliamphora Plant: Heliamphora is a genus of protocarnivora plant belonging to the Sarraceniaceae family. The leaves, completely filled with water, are used by the plant to attract, trap and kill the insects from which it obtains the nutrients necessary for its development. The preys are digested thanks to the presence inside the traps...
'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant
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4982 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.29 €6.99
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant
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49980 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.29 €6.99
Generality of the Pinguicula Plant: Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants belonging to the Lentibulariaceae family. Plants of this kind use sticky and glandular leaves to attract, capture, kill and digest insects to compensate for the lack of mineral nutrients present in their habitat. On-line Sale of the Pinguicula plant, available in the following...
'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant 'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant 2
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338 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.29 €6.99
Generality of the Sarracenia Plant: Sarracenia is a carnivorous plant easy to grow in pot, in the ground in the garden and especially along the edges of an artificial lake. The leaves of Sarracenia, like those of the Nepenthes, arranged in basal rosettes form tubular organs, called ascidi, with upper end partially covered by an operculum. On-line Sale of...
10 Fruit trees of one year...
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10202 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

10 Fruit trees of one year (Mix your choice)

Mondo Piante
€162.00 €180.00
Generality of the Fruit trees : Fruit trees are one of the most challenging categories of plants to grow. They require special care and attention and are therefore very stimulating both from a technical and preparation point of view. The offer includes the choice of 5 1 year old fruit trees among those available in the 'Fruit trees' category. It is...
10 Wonderful Pomegranate...
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1106 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

10 Wonderful Pomegranate Plants Vase 18cm, H.120cm

Mondo Piante
€99.00 €110.00
Generality: The Wonderful Pomegranate is the best known variety on the market, with an intense ruby red color and semi-hard seeds. Sweet and very tasty both to be consumed fresh and to obtain a juice, the Wonderful pomegranate is "late": it is available from the end of October until the end of March. This strain has a lifespan of 1-2 months, making it the...
2x 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous...
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Carnivorous plants

2x 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plants with colored vases

Mondo Piante
€10.80 €12.00
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
2x Carnivorous Plants...
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Carnivorous plants

2x Carnivorous Plants Pinguicula with colored vases

Mondo Piante
€10.80 €12.00
Generality of the Pinguicula Plant: Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants belonging to the Lentibulariaceae family. Plants of this kind use sticky and glandular leaves to attract, capture, kill and digest insects to compensate for the lack of mineral nutrients present in their habitat. On-line Sale of the Pinguicula plant, available in the following...
3x  'Sarracenia'...
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Carnivorous plants

3x 'Sarracenia' Carnivorous Plants with colored vases

Mondo Piante
€16.20 €18.00
Generality of the Sarracenia Plant: Sarracenia is a carnivorous plant easy to grow in pot, in the ground in the garden and especially along the edges of an artificial lake. The leaves of Sarracenia, like those of the Nepenthes, arranged in basal rosettes form tubular organs, called ascidi, with upper end partially covered by an operculum. On-line Sale of...
5 Fruit trees of one year... 5 Fruit trees of one year... 2
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2324 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

5 Fruit trees of one year (Mix your choice)

Mondo Piante
€83.25 €92.50
Generalities: Fruit trees are one of the most challenging categories of plants to grow. They require special care and attention and are therefore very stimulating both from a technical and preparation point of view. The offer includes the choice of 5 1 year old fruit trees among those available in the 'Fruit trees' category. It is possible to indicate...
Abelia Confetti Plant Abelia Confetti Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
2152 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
Abelia Grandiflora Plant Abelia Grandiflora Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
9031 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abelia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Grandiflora : La Pianta Abelia grandiflora,ha portamento tondeggiante e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali, di piccole dimensioni, di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in autunno tutta la pianta assume questo gradevole colore. In...
Abutilon Plant Abutilon Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
974 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.50 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
African Myrsine plant African Myrsine plant 2
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11403 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

African Myrsine plant

Mondo Piante
€8.50 €10.00
Generalities of the Myrsine plant: The Myrsine africana is a dioecious shrub (each individual bears either only male or female flowers), evergreen, very ramified and compact, up to about 1.5 m tall, with thin ascending branches, greyish, tomentose in the apical part, marked by scars of fallen leaves. The name of the genus comes from the Greek term...
Agapanthus Africano Plant Agapanthus Africano Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
852 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Peter Pan : Le piante di Agapanthus Peter Pan, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa,  molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco. Ripetto al classico Agapanthus qesta...
Aglaomorpha coronans plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
500 pezzi -
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Piante Da Interno

Aglaomorpha coronans plant Vase 12cm

Mondo Piante
€8.10 €9.00
Generalities of the Aglaomorpha coronans plant: The Aglaomorpha coronans plant is a splendid medium to large fern with short to medium branched rhizomes. It creates beautiful baskets and hanging pots with leaves that can reach up to one meter in length. -disbonible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm
  • Reduced price / -10%
500 pezzi -
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Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Plant Vase 40cm

Mondo Piante
€90.00 €100.00
Generality of the Aglaonema plant: Aglaonema plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 40cm, height 70/80cm
Aglaonema Silver plant
  • Reduced price / -10%
500 pezzi -
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Piante Da Interno

Aglaonema Silver plant

Mondo Piante
€12.59 €13.99
Generalities of the Aglaonema Silver plant: Aglaonema Silver plants are very popular in our homes, characterized by very decorative green leaves streaked with white. It produces inflorescences similar to the calla flower. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 24cm, height 50/60cm
Agnocasto Plant Agnocasto Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Agnocasto Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.57 €1.85
Generalità Pianta Agnocasto: L’agnocasto, detto anche Vitex è una pianta arbustiva che appartiene alla famiglia delle Verbenacee; essa può raggiungere un altezza massima di 3-4 metri ma spesso si preferisce potarla annualmente per tenerla compatta e non farle perdere le foglie nella parte bassa del tronco. Il fusto è ben ramificato con molte foglie rugose...
Ajuga Repens Plant Ajuga Repens Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1634 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Ajuga Repens Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ajuga Repens : La pianta Ajuga o chiamata anche bugola, è una pianta sempreverde tappezzante, originaria dell'Europa e dell'Asia occidentale. Produce stoloni robusti che permettono alla pianta di colonizzare rapidamente ampi spazi di terreno, allargandosi sottoterra; ha fusti di colore verde scuro; le foglie sono ovali, a cucchiaio, di...
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