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Abelia Confetti Plant Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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2155 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
Abelia Grandiflora Plant Abelia Grandiflora Plant 2
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9038 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Abelia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Grandiflora : La Pianta Abelia grandiflora,ha portamento tondeggiante e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali, di piccole dimensioni, di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in autunno tutta la pianta assume questo gradevole colore. In...
Abutilon Plant Abutilon Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
African Myrsine plant African Myrsine plant 2
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11403 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

African Myrsine plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalities of the Myrsine plant: The Myrsine africana is a dioecious shrub (each individual bears either only male or female flowers), evergreen, very ramified and compact, up to about 1.5 m tall, with thin ascending branches, greyish, tomentose in the apical part, marked by scars of fallen leaves. The name of the genus comes from the Greek term...
Agapanthus Africano Plant Agapanthus Africano Plant 2
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870 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Agapanthus Peter Pan Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Peter Pan : Le piante di Agapanthus Peter Pan, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa,  molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco. Ripetto al classico Agapanthus qesta...
Agnocasto Plant Agnocasto Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Agnocasto Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.48 €1.85
Generalità Pianta Agnocasto: L’agnocasto, detto anche Vitex è una pianta arbustiva che appartiene alla famiglia delle Verbenacee; essa può raggiungere un altezza massima di 3-4 metri ma spesso si preferisce potarla annualmente per tenerla compatta e non farle perdere le foglie nella parte bassa del tronco. Il fusto è ben ramificato con molte foglie rugose...
Ajuga Repens Plant Ajuga Repens Plant 2
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1647 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Ajuga Repens Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ajuga Repens : La pianta Ajuga o chiamata anche bugola, è una pianta sempreverde tappezzante, originaria dell'Europa e dell'Asia occidentale. Produce stoloni robusti che permettono alla pianta di colonizzare rapidamente ampi spazi di terreno, allargandosi sottoterra; ha fusti di colore verde scuro; le foglie sono ovali, a cucchiaio, di...
Arctotis Plant Arctotis Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Arctotis Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Arctotis  : Le piante di Arctotis, sono erbacea perenni dalla forma rampicante o tappezzante, è originaria dell’Africa meridionale. Dalla primavera avanzata fino ai primi freddi intensi producono grandi fiori a margherita. Di facile coltivazione, spesso tendono ad avere vita breve, ed a non sopravvivere per più di 2-3 anni, anche se si...
Aristolochia Gigantea Plant Aristolochia Gigantea Plant 2
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949 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Aristolochia Gigantea Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
General Aristolochia plant: Then Aristolochia gigantea plant is native to Brazil, Colombia and Panama. It is an evergreen climbing plant, with lignified stems that reach 10 m in height. The leaves are arranged alternately, obovate in shape with pointed apex and the color is light green. The flowers are very large, solitary, without petals, with the calyx...
Armeria Plant Armeria Plant 2
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4566 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Armeria Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.60 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Armeria: L'armeria marittima è una pianta erbacea perenne originaria dell'Europa. Forma densi cuscini di foglie lineari, rigide. Per tutta la primavera, fino ad estate inoltrata produce numerosi ombrellini di fiorellini tubolari, rosa o bianchi, che sbocciano all'apice di lunghi steli grigiastri, rigidi e carnosi. Questa pianta viene...
Asparagus Foxtail Plant Asparagus Foxtail Plant 2
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11871 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Asparagus Foxtail Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.99 €4.99
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
Asparagus Sprengeri Plant Asparagus Sprengeri Plant 2
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985 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Asparagus Sprengeri Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Sprengeri: La pianta Asparagus Sprengeri è una pianta erbacea o piccolo arbusto con fusto generalmente legnoso, strisciante o volubile. L'apparato radicale è rizomatoso e in orticoltura prende il nome di zampa. Dalla zampa ogni anno spuntano i germogli chiamati turioni, che sono la parte commestibile. La raccolta dei turioni va...
Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm 2
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Bush Plants

Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm

Mondo Piante
€3.99 €4.99
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Berberis Thunbergii plant Berberis Thunbergii plant 2
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776 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Berberis Thunbergii plant

Mondo Piante
€1.60 €2.00
Generalities of the Berberis plant: The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
Bergenia Cordifolia Plant Bergenia Cordifolia Plant 2
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686 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Bergenia Cordifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Bergenia Cordifolia: La pianta Bergenia Cordifolia è una piccola pianta sempreverde originaria dell'Asia centrale e meridionale, spesso utilizzata come tappezzante. E' caratterizzata da folti ciuffi di grandi foglie tondeggianti o cuoriformi di colore verde scuro, che diventano rossastre in autunno. Dal centro dei ciuffi alla fine...
Bignonia Capensis Orange... Bignonia Capensis Orange... 2
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2233 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Bignonia Capensis Orange Plants Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Plant Bignonia Capensis: The Bignonia capensis is an evergreen climbing plant with dark green leaves that offers a wonderful lasting flowering during all summer, from orange to scarlet, very showy and decorative. It needs a structure to climb and it doesn't necessarily require other care except for fixing to the structure and pruning to...
Bignonia Contessa Sara... Bignonia Contessa Sara... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
2016 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Bignonia Contessa Sara Lillac Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Plant Bignonia Countess Sara Lilla: Bignonia Contessa Sara is a vigorous climber, evergreen in the countries of origin. It has a beautiful dark green foliage that contrasts predominantly with the pink of its flowers during flowering. It comes from the Cape province, in extreme South Africa. Its subspecies Podranea brycei, which lives a little...
Bignonia Grandiflora Plant Bignonia Grandiflora Plant 2
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2009 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Bignonia Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Plant Bignonia Grandiflora: It is a deciduous creeper that comes from the territories of China and Japan. The Bignonia grandiflora (Campis grandiflora) belongs to the Bignoniacee family. It is a plant with great decorative value, especially thanks to the flowers with the characteristic shape of a big trumpet. These flowers usually have an...
Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant,... Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant,... 2
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1785 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Bignonia Ricasoliana Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Plant Bignonia Ricasoliana: The Bignonia Ricasoliana is a climbing plant grown for ornamental purposes in pots on the terrace of the house, in the garden close to walls, near gazebos or pergolas. It is an evergreen climbing plant of the Bignoniaceae family native to South Africa, widespread in all areas characterized by a Mediterranean...
Bouganvillea Plant Bouganvillea Plant 2
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4742 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
Buddleja Plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
10454 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Buddleja Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Buddleja: Le piante di Buddleja sono arbusti di facile coltivazione, dalla lunga fioritura e sono disponibili in moltissimi colori e dimensioni. Per questo risultano molto diffuse nel nostro paese, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, benché siano originarie dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America del Sud. Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre...
Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm
  • Reduced price / -20%
1487 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm

Mondo Piante
€15.20 €19.00
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buy from the comfort of your home Plants of Buxus Sempervirens, Hedge Plant with geometric shapes: ball, cone, pyramid or spiral. Welcome Discount 10%. Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and...
Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
9734 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Buxus Faulkner Plant jar 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Buxus Faulkner plant: Boxwood is an indispensable and almost irreplaceable rustic plant for creating small hedges and borders. It is an evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage, with a very compact habit, used for the construction of borders and low hedges. It grows well in any terrain and in any light conditions. Very resistant to...
Buxus Pyramid Plant Vase 19cm
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Bush Plants

Buxus Pyramid Plant Vase 19cm

Mondo Piante
€26.32 €32.90
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... Buxus Rotundifolia Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
669 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Buxus Rotundifolia Plant Pot 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Buxus Rotundifolia plant: The Buxus Rotundifolia plant is a shrub or small evergreen tree, native to Europe, Japan and the slow-growing, very long-lived Himalayan plateau; it is widely used as a single plant or as a hedge plant, the dwarf varieties are very popular, as they form very decorative rounded cushions. It has dark and wrinkled...
Buxus Sempervirens plant Buxus Sempervirens plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
510 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Buxus Sempervirens plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Buxus Sempervirens plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of varying height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged...
Buxus Special 3 plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Buxus Special 3 plant

Mondo Piante
€48.00 €60.00
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Special Plant 1 Buxus Special Plant 1 2
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Bush Plants

Buxus Special Plant 1

Mondo Piante
€76.00 €95.00
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Buxus Special Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Buxus Special Plant 2

Mondo Piante
€48.00 €60.00
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and bushy evergreen shrub of variable height between 2 and 4 m, long-lived, with a characteristic odor, has strong anchoring roots, an enlarged stem at the...
Callistemon Plant Callistemon Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
1182 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Callistemon Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Callistemon: La pianta Callistemon, è una specie molto conosciuta per i suoi bellissimi fiori. Sono piante sempreverdi, molto coltivati per adornare giardini e prati. Ha crescita lenta e in genere si mantengono di dimensioni vicine ai 150-200 cm di altezza.I fusti sono rigidi, di colore bruno; le foglie sono di colore verde scuro. A...
Camphora Plant Camphora Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Camphora Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Camphora: La pianta Camphora, è un albero sempreverde che raggiunge i 35 metri di altezza, originario dell'Asia. Ha fusto eretto e possente, con chioma tondeggiante ed allungata, densa, ben ramificata; la corteccia è grigio-marrone, solcata da profonde fessure. Le grandi foglie ovali,sono di colore verde scuro; in primavera produce...
Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... Carex Buchananii Plant Vase... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
1064 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
Carissa Grandiflora Plant Carissa Grandiflora Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
11172 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Carissa Grandiflora Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carissa Grandiflora: La pianta Carissa è un arbsto sempreverde sudafricano, con foglie lucenti,fiori profumati e frutti commestibili,ma i semi sono tossici. Nelle zone più calde è utilizzata per formare siepi.La specie in natura raggiunge i 4-5 metri di altezza, le varietà coltivate in Europa sono di dimensioni più modeste, e si...
Carissa Jasminoides Plant...
  • Reduced price / -20%
1402 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Carissa Jasminoides Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carissa Jasminoides: La pianta Carissa Jasminoides un arbusto originario dell'Africa tropicale e subtropicale: sempreverde, molto ramificato, che raggiunge, ma lentamente, i 2-3 metri di altezza e diametro (nel tempo anche di più), a portamento perlopiù tondeggiante e pieno.Il fogliame è folto, coriaceo, ovale e appuntito, di un verde...
Carissa Macrocarpa Plant... Carissa Macrocarpa Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
9620 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Carissa Macrocarpa Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carissa Macrocarpa: La Carissa macrocarpa, originaria dalle aride selve dell’Africa meridionale, è una pianta sempreverde di medie dimensioni e dall’aspetto arbustivo tondeggiante molto denso e ramificato. Allo stato spontaneo, nella sua terra d’origine, crescendo lentamente, può raggiungere anche i 5 metri di altezza. In Europa e in...
Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase...
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Bush Plants

Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Cassia Corymbosa: La pianta Cassia, è molto apprezzata per la bella e lunga fioritura gialla.Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e dal portamento elegante, alto e largo fino a 2,5 metri.La pianta di Cassia ha una virtù molto particolare, comincia a fiorire verso la fine dell’estate e continua a illuminare il giardino fino alle soglie...
Ceanothus Repens Plant Ceanothus Repens Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
9738 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

Ceanothus Repens Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ceanothus Repens: La pianta Ceanothus, è un Arbusto sempreverde dal fogliame ovale, in primavera o in estate producono fiorellini profumati, riuniti in enormi racemi, allungati o a palla. La caratteristica peculiare del ceanoto sta sicuramente nel colore dei fiori, un azzurro cielo profondo ed intenso. Posizionare La pianta Ceanothus in...
Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
1102 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Citronella Plant: Citronella plant is native to South-Western America. The species is the (lippia citridora) and it can be planted in the ground only in the regions with a mild winter climate, in the other regions it must be cultivated in pots, in sheltered places during the winter. Lemongrass is a deciduous, lance-shaped shrub of light...
Cerastium Tomentosum Plant... Cerastium Tomentosum Plant... 2
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Bush Plants

Cerastium Tomentosum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cerastium Tomentosum: Il cerastio detto anche Peverina è una piccola perenne tappezzante della famiglia delle Caryophyllaceae originaria dell’Europa. La pianta alta 30 – 40 cm tende a formare cespugli tondeggianti simili alla Gypsofila.Il Cerastio, Cerastium tomentosum, è una pianta erbacea ornamentale ideale per realizzare macchie di...
Ceratostigma Griffithii... Ceratostigma Griffithii... 2
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Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Griffithii Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Griffithii: La pianta Ceratostigma è Originaria della Cina e dell'Asia centrale. I fusti sono sottili e ricadenti, che tendono ad allargarsi, rendendo la pianta tappezzante; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, spesse e cuoiose, diventano color bronzo in autunno , prima di cadere dalla pianta. La parte aerea dissecca...
Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides... Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
834 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides: La pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides è originaria della Cina, alta 30-40 cm e di pari diametro. Si tratta di una pianta suffruticosa, perenne, adatta per il giardino roccioso e per i muri a secco. Le foglie, alterne, abovate-lanceolate, diventano rose in autunno. I fiori, blu, larghi 1-2 cm, sbocciano da...
Ceratostigma Willmottianum... Ceratostigma Willmottianum... 2
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Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Willmottianum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Willmottianum: La pianta Ceratostigma willmottianum è un arbusto a portamento ordinato,con foglie lanceolate rosse. In autunno ama il terreno fresco, leggero. Come esposizione preferisce il sole; il fiore è blu e appartiene alla famiglia delle Plumbaginaceae. Il suo periodo di fioritura è Giugno - Ottobre e raggiunge...
Cestrum Plant Vase 7cm
  • Reduced price / -20%
1584 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Cestrum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cestrum : La pianta Cestrum è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Solanacee ed originaria dell’America centrale, particolarmente apprezzata per il portamento cespuglioso-rampicante e per la magnifica fioritura estiva. E’ caratterizzato da fusti eretti che portano foglie ovali ed appuntite dal colore verde brillante. Nel periodo...
Cherry Laurel plant Cherry Laurel plant 2
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Hedge Plants

Cherry Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Cherry Laurel Plant: The Cherry Laurel plant is a very common shrub in Italian gardens. It is a vigorous and resistant shrub, evergreen, with dense and compact vegetation; the leaves are oval, lanceolate, with a toothed margin, of a dark green color; in spring, small white star flowers bloom. Before placing the Cherry Laurel plant, it is...
Cineraria Maritima Plant
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Bush Plants

Cineraria Maritima Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Maritima: La pianta di cineraria è un genere che comprende circa 3000 specie di piante, molto differenti tra loro anche per caratteristiche botaniche. Include infatti sia piante erbacee che arbustive, sia specie succulente che carnose. Piante erbacee perenni dal fogliame grigio argenteo, utilizzate come tapezzanti. Vaso 7cm,...
Cineraria Sylver Dust...
  • Reduced price / -20%
885 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Cineraria Sylver Dust Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Sylver Dust: La cineraria ‘Silver Dust' è un arbusto che appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae. L’altezza della pianta non supera i 50cm, in genere è in media di 40 cm o più piccola. Le foglie di questa cultivar sono persistenti. Il fiore è giallo appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae, il suo periodo di fioritura è...
Cistus Plant
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Bush Plants

Cistus Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Cistus: La pianta Cistus, Arbusto di media grandezza, sempreverde è originario dell'area mediterranea. Ha portamento eretto e forma tondeggiante, molto ramificata e disordinata, può raggiungere i 90-100 cm di altezza. Le foglie sono ovali, cuoiose, di colore verde brillante, generalmente ricoperte da una sottile e spessa peluria. Da...
Clivia Plant
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Bush Plants

Clivia Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.84 €4.80
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Coleonema Pulchrum Plant Coleonema Pulchrum Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Coleonema Pulchrum Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Coleonema Pulchrum: La pianta Coleonema è un arbusto sempreverde di dimensioni medie, originario dell’Africa meridionale. Ha sviluppo denso e compatto e con l’età può raggiungere i 150-200 cm di altezza; il fogliame è lineare, quasi squamiforme, di piccole dimensioni, di colore verde chiaro, molto aromatico; lo sviluppo è densamente...
Common Myrtle Plant Common Myrtle Plant 2
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552 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Common Myrtle Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Mirto Comune: Le piante di Mirto sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per la bellezza delle foglie,dei fiori e delle bacche,utilizzati anche nell'arte topiaria. Si tratta di una pianta arbustiva, il cui fusto può raggiungere i tre metri di altezza, le foglie sono di forma ovale, di colore verde scuro e delicatamente profumate. I...
Convallaria Japonica Plant,...
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Bush Plants

Convallaria Japonica Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Convallaria Japonica: La pianta Convallaria, piccola perenne rizomatosa è originaria dell'Europa e dell'asia. I rizomi carnosi si sviluppano allargandosi poco profondamente, ognuno di essi produce due foglie lanceolate, larghe ed erette, leggermente carnose, di colore verde, solcate da venature poco profonde; sottili stoloni si dipartono...
Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm 2
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1012 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Convolvolus: La pianta Convolvolus è una pianta erbacea, rampicante annuale o perenne, talvolta semiarbustiva o cespugliosa. Le foglie possono essere cuoriformi, lanceolate, a forma di spatola, con margini lisci o dentellati, glabre o pelose di color verde chiaro o scuro a seconda della specie. I fiori sono sempre a forma di imbuto molto...
Coprosma Tricolor Plant Coprosma Tricolor Plant 2
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Bush Plants

Coprosma Tricolor Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.19 €3.99
Generalità Pianta Coprosma Tricolor: La pianta Coprosma è un Arbusto sempreverde molto particolare, dalle foglie ovali, carnose e lucidissime, tanto da sembrare a volte bagnate. Originaria della Nuova Zelanda, queste piante in natura diventano degli arbusti alti 60/80cm. La pianta è decorativa soprattutto per le foglie che sono cangianti in base alla...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€20.00 €25.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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1611 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€46.40 €58.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€9.60 €12.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€84.00 €105.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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978 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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911 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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4462 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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1619 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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524 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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4972 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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4981 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€39.60 €44.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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40 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€44.10 €49.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€27.00 €30.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€49.50 €55.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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20 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€135.00 €150.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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20 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€31.50 €35.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€36.00 €40.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€36.00 €40.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€17.10 €19.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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10 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€171.00 €190.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abelia Confetti Plant copy of Abelia Confetti Plant 2
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30 pezzi -
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copy of Abelia Confetti Plant

Mondo Piante
€54.00 €60.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
copy of Abutilon Plant copy of Abutilon Plant 2
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498 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
copy of Adenium Obesum Plant
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Bush Plants

copy of Adenium Obesum Plant

Mondo Piante
€28.00 €35.00
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
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487 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Agapanthus Africano... copy of Agapanthus Africano... 2
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996 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Agapanthus Africano Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Agapanthus Africano : Le piante di Agapanthus, sono piante perenni, originarie del sud Africa, conosciute come "gigli africani" o "agapanto", molto facili da coltivare che producono spettacolari fioriture per tutto il periodo estivo. I fiori dell'Agapanthus sono campanulati e riuniti in lunghi steli fiorali, di colore blu più o bianco....
copy of Alyogyne...
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499 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Alyogyne Delighfully Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Alyogyne Delighfully : Le piante di Alyogyne sono arbusti sempreverdi originari dell'Australia con fiori simili a quelli dell'Ibisco. Questa pianta cresce ricoprendo tutto il terreno che ha a disposizione. La pianta Alyogine ha lo sviluppo di un arbusto. E' di taglia media e può raggiungere i 2,5 m di altezza. In primavera assume una...
copy of Anisodontea Lilla...
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Bush Plants

copy of Anisodontea Lilla Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Anisodontea : La pianta anisodontea, è un arbusto africano sempreverde dalle abbondanti fioriture; nel corso degli anni possono raggiungere i 90-120 cm di altezza. Produce piccoli fiori piatti, simili ai fiori del pesco, nei toni del rosa e del bianco. I fiori sbocciano lungo i fusti, per mantenere la pianta ben compatta e favorire lo...
copy of Arctotis Plant
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500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Arctotis Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Arctotis  : Le piante di Arctotis, sono erbacea perenni dalla forma rampicante o tappezzante, è originaria dell’Africa meridionale. Dalla primavera avanzata fino ai primi freddi intensi producono grandi fiori a margherita. Di facile coltivazione, spesso tendono ad avere vita breve, ed a non sopravvivere per più di 2-3 anni, anche se si...
copy of Armeria Plant copy of Armeria Plant 2
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5000 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Armeria Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Armeria: L'armeria marittima è una pianta erbacea perenne originaria dell'Europa. Forma densi cuscini di foglie lineari, rigide. Per tutta la primavera, fino ad estate inoltrata produce numerosi ombrellini di fiorellini tubolari, rosa o bianchi, che sbocciano all'apice di lunghi steli grigiastri, rigidi e carnosi. Questa pianta viene...
copy of Asparagus Foxtail... copy of Asparagus Foxtail... 2
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4917 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Asparagus Foxtail Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Asparagus Coda di Volpe: Le piante di Asparagus, arbusti perenni dalla forma rampicante o cascante, sono molto interessanti per l’elegante fogliame ornamentale. Produce fiori piccoli bianco-rosati, riuniti in infiorescenze, ai quali fanno seguito bacche rosse. La pianta Asparagus è una specie molto coltivata in appartamento, anche se non...
copy of Bauhinia Plant Vase...
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Bush Plants

copy of Bauhinia Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Bauhinia Variegata: Le piante di Bauhinia sono conosciute anche con il nome di 'albero orchidea' in quanto,in alcune specie, i fiori ricordano le orchidee. Si tratta infatti per lo più di alberi ed arbusti con rami più o meno spinosi caratterizzati da un legno duro. Le foglie sono composte, formate da due foglioline saldate dal picciolo...
copy of Beloperone Guttata... copy of Beloperone Guttata... 2
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498 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Beloperone Guttata Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Beloperone Guttata : La pianta Beloperone, si tratta di Arbusti sempreverdi dalle abbondanti fioriture. Nelle zone piu’ riparate fioriscono tutto l’anno. La temperatura minima invernale deve essere compresa tra 7 e 13°C; quindi in inverno va ricoverata in casa, lontano da fonti dirette di calore, come caminetti, stufe o caloriferi. Può...
copy of Berberis Thunbergii... copy of Berberis Thunbergii... 2
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Hedge Plants

copy of Berberis Thunbergii plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Berberis plant: The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
copy of Berberis Thunbergii... copy of Berberis Thunbergii... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
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500 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Berberis Thunbergii plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalities of the Berberis plant: The Berberis plant has hundreds of species. These are small shrubs, they do not exceed 100-150 cm in height; the foliage is thick and oval. In spring The Berberis plant produces small, very showy golden yellow flowers, followed by small, red or black, edible berries. The stems of the berberis are very branched, and bear...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
3855 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
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908 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
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49953 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
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10477 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
  • Reduced price / -20%
993 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€4.00 €5.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng 2
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4980 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
copy of Bouganvillea Plant
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Climbing plants

copy of Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
€11.99 €14.99
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
copy of Bouganvillea Plant copy of Bouganvillea Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
999 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
copy of Bouganvillea Plant copy of Bouganvillea Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
1099 pezzi -
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Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Bouganvillea Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalities Bouganvillea plant: The Bouganvillea plant is a climber, unsurpassed for its magnificent flowering in a multitude of bright colors. It can have a climbing or bushy character, the leaves are bright green and have a shape similar to elongated egg. The branches are thin and have thorns. Bougainvillea are plants native to South America. They are...
copy of Buddleja Plant copy of Buddleja Plant 2
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1494 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Buddleja Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Buddleja: Le piante di Buddleja sono arbusti di facile coltivazione, dalla lunga fioritura e sono disponibili in moltissimi colori e dimensioni. Per questo risultano molto diffuse nel nostro paese, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, benché siano originarie dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America del Sud. Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre...
copy of Carex Buchananii... copy of Carex Buchananii... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
4998 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Carex Buchananii Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Carex Buchananii: La carex, o carice è una erbacea perenne appartenente ad un genere che conta centinaia di specie, originarie delle zone temperate del globo. Ha l'aspetto di un folto ciuffo d'erba, con foglie lunghe 40-50 cm, arcuate, di colore verde brillante; con il tempo tende a divenire tappezzante, formando numerosi cuscini...
copy of Cassia Corymbosa... copy of Cassia Corymbosa... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Cassia Corymbosa Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cassia Corymbosa: La pianta Cassia, è molto apprezzata per la bella e lunga fioritura gialla.Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e dal portamento elegante, alto e largo fino a 2,5 metri.La pianta di Cassia ha una virtù molto particolare, comincia a fiorire verso la fine dell’estate e continua a illuminare il giardino fino alle soglie...
copy of Cedrina or... copy of Cedrina or... 2
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1101 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

copy of Cedrina or 'Citronella' Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generality of the Citronella Plant: Citronella plant is native to South-Western America. The species is the (lippia citridora) and it can be planted in the ground only in the regions with a mild winter climate, in the other regions it must be cultivated in pots, in sheltered places during the winter. Lemongrass is a deciduous, lance-shaped shrub of light...
copy of Cerastium... copy of Cerastium... 2
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2224 pezzi -
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copy of Cerastium Tomentosum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Cerastium Tomentosum: Il cerastio detto anche Peverina è una piccola perenne tappezzante della famiglia delle Caryophyllaceae originaria dell’Europa. La pianta alta 30 – 40 cm tende a formare cespugli tondeggianti simili alla Gypsofila.Il Cerastio, Cerastium tomentosum, è una pianta erbacea ornamentale ideale per realizzare macchie di...
copy of Ceratostigma... copy of Ceratostigma... 2
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  • New
500 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides: La pianta Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides è originaria della Cina, alta 30-40 cm e di pari diametro. Si tratta di una pianta suffruticosa, perenne, adatta per il giardino roccioso e per i muri a secco. Le foglie, alterne, abovate-lanceolate, diventano rose in autunno. I fiori, blu, larghi 1-2 cm, sbocciano da...
copy of Cineraria Maritima...
  • Reduced price / -20%
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500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Cineraria Maritima Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Maritima: La pianta di cineraria è un genere che comprende circa 3000 specie di piante, molto differenti tra loro anche per caratteristiche botaniche. Include infatti sia piante erbacee che arbustive, sia specie succulente che carnose. Piante erbacee perenni dal fogliame grigio argenteo, utilizzate come tapezzanti. Vaso 7cm,...
copy of Cistus Plant copy of Cistus Plant 2
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500 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Cistus Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cistus: La pianta Cistus, Arbusto di media grandezza, sempreverde è originario dell'area mediterranea. Ha portamento eretto e forma tondeggiante, molto ramificata e disordinata, può raggiungere i 90-100 cm di altezza. Le foglie sono ovali, cuoiose, di colore verde brillante, generalmente ricoperte da una sottile e spessa peluria. Da...
copy of Coleonema Pulchrum... copy of Coleonema Pulchrum... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
500 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Coleonema Pulchrum Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Coleonema Pulchrum: La pianta Coleonema è un arbusto sempreverde di dimensioni medie, originario dell’Africa meridionale. Ha sviluppo denso e compatto e con l’età può raggiungere i 150-200 cm di altezza; il fogliame è lineare, quasi squamiforme, di piccole dimensioni, di colore verde chiaro, molto aromatico; lo sviluppo è densamente...
copy of Common Myrtle Plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
993 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Common Myrtle Plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Mirto Comune: Le piante di Mirto sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per la bellezza delle foglie,dei fiori e delle bacche,utilizzati anche nell'arte topiaria. Si tratta di una pianta arbustiva, il cui fusto può raggiungere i tre metri di altezza, le foglie sono di forma ovale, di colore verde scuro e delicatamente profumate. I...
copy of Convallaria...
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Bush Plants

copy of Convallaria Japonica Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Convallaria Japonica: La pianta Convallaria, piccola perenne rizomatosa è originaria dell'Europa e dell'asia. I rizomi carnosi si sviluppano allargandosi poco profondamente, ognuno di essi produce due foglie lanceolate, larghe ed erette, leggermente carnose, di colore verde, solcate da venature poco profonde; sottili stoloni si dipartono...
copy of Corbezzolo Plant copy of Corbezzolo Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
1104 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Corbezzolo Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Corbezzolo: La pianta Corbezzolo e' originario del bacino del Mediterraneo. Fiorisce da ottobre a dicembre e fruttifica nell'autunno seguente. Molto interessante nel periodo autunnale la presenza contemporanea di frutti dai colori che variano dall'arancio al rosso con fiori bianchi ben raccolti in grappoli. Le piante di corbezzolo...
copy of Crategus Navaho plant copy of Crategus Navaho plant 2
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  • New
500 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Crategus Navaho plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalities of the Crategus plant: The Crategus plant includes about two hundred species of trees and shrubs.They have an upright habit and produce a disordered crown, the shrubs reach 3-4 meters in height, the trees reach a maximum height of 6-8 meters. The leaves are dark green, oval, shiny, slightly leathery. In spring it produces small, five-petalled...
copy of Cupressocyparis...
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Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider plant

Mondo Piante
€3.20 €4.00
Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider: The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
copy of Cupressocyparis...
  • Reduced price / -20%
500 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider: The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
copy of Cupressocyparis...
  • Reduced price / -20%
500 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalities of the Plant Cupressocyparis leylandii Gold Rider: The Leyland cypress is an evergreen plant of the Cupressaceae family, native to North America but widely spread, as an ornamental plant, in the Mediterranean basin. It is an intergeneric hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Callitropsis nootkatensis created for ornamental reasons since its...
copy of Cupressus ''...
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Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressus '' GoldCrest Wilma '' Vase 17cm

Mondo Piante
€10.40 €13.00
Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant: The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
copy of Cupressus ''...
  • Reduced price / -20%
2 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressus '' GoldCrest Wilma '' Vase 17cm

Mondo Piante
€28.00 €35.00
Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant: The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
copy of CURRY PLANT... copy of CURRY PLANT... 2
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Aromatic plants

copy of CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum Italicum'

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generality of the CURRY PLANT 'Helichrysum Italicum': The Helichrysum plants include many species originating in Asia and Africa, they can be perennial, annual or medium-sized shrubs. The Elicriso plants reach 50-60 cm in height, the stems are erect, rigid, gray-blue, and are covered with oblong or lanceolate leaves, the same color of the stems, the...
copy of Cyperus Papyrus Plant copy of Cyperus Papyrus Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
497 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Cyperus Papyrus Plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalità Pianta Cyperus Papyrus: Le piante di papiro, sono piante erbacee che possono raggiungere i 3-5 metri di altezza, a seconda del clima in cui vengono coltivate; i fusti sono rigidi, di colore verde, e all’apice portano un ciuffo di foglie di colore verde brillante, piatte e filiformi. In estate, all’apice del ciuffo di foglie, sbocciano piccole...
copy of Cytisus Plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
500 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Cytisus Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Cytisus: Le pianta di Cytisus sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per l'abbondante fioritura generalmente molto rustici e facili da coltivare. Sono piante per lo più a portamento arbustivo di dimensioni variabili fino a superare i due metri di altezza con foglie trifoliate e  fiori che nella maggior parte delle specie sono di...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
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382 pezzi -
Time left
Garden Plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.40 €3.00
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
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Climbing plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.19 €3.99
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
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  • New
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Climbing plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.72 €10.90
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€5.60 €7.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Edera Hibernica...
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Climbing plants

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€11.99 €14.99
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Edera Hibernica... copy of Edera Hibernica... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
992 pezzi -
Time left
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
990 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Elaeagnus: The Elagnus plant has erect stems, dark in color, densely branched, hardly reaching imposing dimensions, usually remaining below 4-5 meters. The Elagnus has silver gray leaves; many species have variegated leaves. The flowers are small, whitish, fragrant and bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species. In autumn or...
copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
500 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Elagnus Ebbingei plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalità Pianta Elaeagnus: The Elagnus plant has erect stems, dark in color, densely branched, hardly reaching imposing dimensions, usually remaining below 4-5 meters. The Elagnus has silver gray leaves; many species have variegated leaves. The flowers are small, whitish, fragrant and bloom in spring or autumn, depending on the species. In autumn or...
copy of Eugenia Myrtifolia... copy of Eugenia Myrtifolia... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
475 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Eugenia Myrtifolia plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generality of the Eugenia Myrtifolia Plant: Eugenia Myrtifolia is a plant native to Australia, with a dense and rounded crown and a well branched and branched shape, it can reach 5 m in height and 2 in width; it is part of the same family as the myrtle that grows wild in Sardinia, but is not very common in cultivation in Italy. Eugenia Myrtifolia becomes...
copy of Euonymus Japonicus...
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Hedge Plants

copy of Euonymus Japonicus Bravo plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Plant Euonymus Japonicus Bravo: The Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' plant thrives very well in well-drained and fertile soils, but in reality it adapts very well to all types of soil. It has a height ranging from 1 to 1.50 m. and the diameter is 1 m. It has a vigorous compact vegetation and erect branches. It is very resistant to cold and...
copy of Euonymus Japonicus...
  • Reduced price / -20%
904 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Euonymus Japonicus Bravo plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Plant Euonymus Japonicus Bravo: The Euonymus japonicus 'Bravo' plant thrives very well in well-drained and fertile soils, but in reality it adapts very well to all types of soil. It has a height ranging from 1 to 1.50 m. and the diameter is 1 m. It has a vigorous compact vegetation and erect branches. It is very resistant to cold and...
copy of Feijoa Sellowiana...
  • Reduced price / -20%
1269 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Feijoa Sellowiana Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.60 €7.00
Generalità Pianta Feijoa Sellowiana: La Feijoa è un arbusto sempreverde di origine brasiliana. Ha portamento ramificato, con crescita abbastanza lenta. Le foglie sono di colore grigio verde , spesse, lucide e cuoiose, di colore argenteo. In primavera inoltrata produce grandi fiori di colore bianco rosato, con lunghi stami rosso corallo; in estate ai fiori...
copy of Gaura Plant copy of Gaura Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
1109 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Gaura Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Gaura: Le piante di Gaura sono Piante perenni apprezzate per la lunga e abbondante fioritura.Per tutta la bella stagione, quindi da aprile-maggio fino a settembre-ottobre, si ergono sottili fusti che portano numerosi fiori, costituiti da 4 petali e numerosi stami dorati; i fiori in lontananza ricordano delle piccole orchidee.Le...
copy of Glossy Viburnum Plant copy of Glossy Viburnum Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
485 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Glossy Viburnum Plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generality of the Plant Glossy Viburnum: The viburnum plant is widespread in gardens due to its ease of cultivation, they generally have a rounded shape and reach 3-4 meters in height over a few years. The foliage is oval or lanceolate of dark green color. The stems are very branched, and withstand even drastic pruning, to keep the shrub more compact....
copy of Grevillea...
  • Reduced price / -20%
4970 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Grevillea Rosmarinifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Grevillea Rosmarinifolia: La Pianta Grevillea è un arbusto sempreverde originario dell’Australia; il fogliame, è simile a quello del rosmarino, le foglie sono piccole, lineari, aghiformi, appuntite, di colore verde scuro, lucide e cuoiose; l’arbusto ha sviluppo compatto e densamente ramificato, nel complesso ricorda una piccola conifera....
copy of Grevillea...
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Bush Plants

copy of Grevillea Rosmarinifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.60 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Grevillea Rosmarinifolia: La Pianta Grevillea è un arbusto sempreverde originario dell’Australia; il fogliame, è simile a quello del rosmarino, le foglie sono piccole, lineari, aghiformi, appuntite, di colore verde scuro, lucide e cuoiose; l’arbusto ha sviluppo compatto e densamente ramificato, nel complesso ricorda una piccola conifera....
copy of Gynerium Plant
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4939 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Gynerium Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.00 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Gynerium : La Pianta Gynerium, è una pianta erbacea sempreverde molto rigogliosa.Si presenta riunita in grossi cespi con fusti alti anche più di due metri e con foglie lineari ricadenti lunghe fino a 1.5 metri. La sua caratteristica principale sono delle grandi infiorescenze a pannocchia. Tali spettacolari pannocchie persistono per lungo...
copy of Hypericum Tricolor...
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4998 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Hypericum Tricolor Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Hypericum Tricolor: La pianta Iperico è una perenne semisempreverde, originaria dell'Europa e dell'Asia dal portamento eretto o tappezzante. Dalla primavera inoltrata fino ai primi freddi autunnali, produce grandi fiori di colore giallo oro, a stella, con vistosi stami gialli. L'iperico è una pianta molto diffusa in Europa, dove spesso...
copy of Ice Mint Plant
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Aromatic plants

copy of Ice Mint Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Ice Mint Plant: Ice Mint is an evergreen with ovate leaves, with toothed margins covered with a light down. They are used in the medical field or in gastronomy. The mint plant is grown in the ground, in a sunny place, with a fresh and rich soil, without showing great necessity; at the moment of the plant, we work well the soil, enriching...
copy of Ice Mint Plant copy of Ice Mint Plant 2
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Aromatic plants

copy of Ice Mint Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Ice Mint Plant: Ice Mint is an evergreen with ovate leaves, with toothed margins covered with a light down. They are used in the medical field or in gastronomy. The mint plant is grown in the ground, in a sunny place, with a fresh and rich soil, without showing great necessity; at the moment of the plant, we work well the soil, enriching...
copy of Ilex Nellie Steven...
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500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Ilex Nellie Steven Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Ilex Nellie Steven: La Pianta Ilex, è un grande arbusto a crescita abbastanza lenta, originario dell’Europa e dell’Asia; ha portamento eretto, e sviluppa una folta chioma di forma ovale o piramidale, a volte anche disordinata. Il fogliame sempreverde è di colore verde brillate e di forma ovale; le giovani foglie hanno margine munito di...
copy of jasmine Officinale...
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499 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

copy of jasmine Officinale Plant jar 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Jasmine Officinale plant:  the Jasmine Officinale is a deciduous or semi-evergreen climbing plant. From spring until the end of autumn it produces numerous small white, tubular flowers, which open at the apex and give off an intense perfume. It needs a structure to climb and be fixed during the first years of formation of your hedge. We...
copy of jasmine Officinale...
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Garden Plants

copy of jasmine Officinale Plant jar 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities Jasmine Officinale plant:  the Jasmine Officinale is a deciduous or semi-evergreen climbing plant. From spring until the end of autumn it produces numerous small white, tubular flowers, which open at the apex and give off an intense perfume. It needs a structure to climb and be fixed during the first years of formation of your hedge. We...
copy of Juniperus...
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€64.00 €80.00
Generalities of the Juniperus Horizontalis Blue Chip plant: Juniperus horizontalis or creeping juniper is a small, evergreen ground cover shrub native to North America. It has an arched, drooping posture and forms large, densely ramified spots, up to a few meters wide, with a height ranging from 15-20 cm up to 35-50 cm. jar 14cm, height 15/20cm
copy of Justicia Carnea Plant copy of Justicia Carnea Plant 2
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499 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Justicia Carnea Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Justicia Carnea: La Pianta Justicia è una magnifica pianta originaria del Brasile, questa specie semi-arbustiva presenta fusti quadrangolari e rossastri e foglie lanceolate. Alla fine dell’estate produce fiori rosa o carminio chiaro, che compaiono in spighe terminali compatte e bratteate. La temperatura minima invernale non deve scendere...
copy of Lantana Camara Plant copy of Lantana Camara Plant 2
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10191 pezzi -
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copy of Lantana Camara Plant

Mondo Piante
€128.00 €160.00
Generalità Pianta Lantana Camara: La lantana camara è una delle specie più conosciute, probabilmente la più conosciuta, del genere lantana. Le caratteristiche, e per molti anche le qualità, di questo un arbusto sempreverde sono le infiorescenze costituite da piccoli fiori fragranti multicolori e l’odore intenso delle foglie, sgradevole ma efficace contro...
copy of Lantana Camara Plant copy of Lantana Camara Plant 2
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496 pezzi -
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copy of Lantana Camara Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Lantana Camara: La lantana camara è una delle specie più conosciute, probabilmente la più conosciuta, del genere lantana. Le caratteristiche, e per molti anche le qualità, di questo un arbusto sempreverde sono le infiorescenze costituite da piccoli fiori fragranti multicolori e l’odore intenso delle foglie, sgradevole ma efficace contro...
copy of Laurel plant
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489 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Laurel plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalities of the Laurel plant: The Laurel plant, also called Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic plant widespread in nature throughout the Mediterranean area. They are evergreen trees, which can reach ten meters in height. The Laurel plant produces a dense and dense vegetation, has a stem with dark bark, very branched, often also in the lower part, to give...
copy of Lavender Plant copy of Lavender Plant 2
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9964 pezzi -
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copy of Lavender Plant

Mondo Piante
€239.20 €299.00
Generality of the Lavender Plant: The lavender plant is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean basin. It has silvery leaves, very fragrant, narrow and elongated; in summer it produces many flowers, small and fragrant, grouped in spikes. Most varieties are resistant to cold and are used in the garden, like hedges or to form large bushes....
copy of Lavender Plant copy of Lavender Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
432 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

copy of Lavender Plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generality of the Lavender Plant: The lavender plant is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean basin. It has silvery leaves, very fragrant, narrow and elongated; in summer it produces many flowers, small and fragrant, grouped in spikes. Most varieties are resistant to cold and are used in the garden, like hedges or to form large bushes....
copy of Lonicera...
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1107 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

copy of Lonicera Caprifolium Plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalities Lonicera Caprifolium plant: The best known climbing plant Lonicera is the Honeysuckle, Lonicera Caprifolium, originally from Europe. These are vigorous vines, with fickle stems that cling to whatever support they find, or they develop streaks with deciduous leaves, with fragrant cream-white flowers. The salient feature of these creepers is...
copy of Loropetalum Fire... copy of Loropetalum Fire... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
1109 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Loropetalum Fire Dance Plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Loropetalum Fire Dance: La Pianta Loropetalum Fire Dance, è un arbusto sempreverde di medie dimensioni, originario dell'Asia; ha portamento allargato, con fusto densamente ramificato, e rami con sviluppo prevalentemente orizzontale; nell'arco di alcuni anni possono raggiungere i 2-3 metri di altezza. Il fogliame è di dimensioni ridotte,...
copy of Oleandro Plant copy of Oleandro Plant 2
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2221 pezzi -
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copy of Oleandro Plant

Mondo Piante
€239.20 €299.00
Generalità Pianta Oleandro : Le Piante di Oleandro, provenienti dal mediterraneo, appartengono ad un genere di arbusti sempreverdi, coltivati soprattutto per la fioritura e per il fogliame. I fiori, che variano dal rosa al bianco, dal rosso al giallo, sbocciano dall'inizio della primavera fino all'autunno inoltrato. La Pianta Oleandro produce frutti...
copy of Oleandro Plant copy of Oleandro Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
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1107 pezzi -
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copy of Oleandro Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Oleandro : Le Piante di Oleandro, provenienti dal mediterraneo, appartengono ad un genere di arbusti sempreverdi, coltivati soprattutto per la fioritura e per il fogliame. I fiori, che variano dal rosa al bianco, dal rosso al giallo, sbocciano dall'inizio della primavera fino all'autunno inoltrato. La Pianta Oleandro produce frutti...
copy of Opulus guelder plant copy of Opulus guelder plant 2
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500 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Opulus guelder plant

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generality of the Opulus guelder plant: Viburnum opulus is a plant that includes evergreen shrubs and trees. It is a deciduous shrub whose leaves closely resemble those of maple. These have a dark green color and tend to take on reddish hues during the autumn seasons. The real peculiarity of this plant is represented by its spherical flowers, on the...
copy of Pandorea...
  • Reduced price / -20%
1103 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

copy of Pandorea Jasminoides Plant

Mondo Piante
€11.99 €14.99
Generalities Plant Pandorea Jasminoides: The Pandorea plant is an evergreen creeper, native to Australia and Malaysia; it has vigorous growth and develops rapidly up to a height of 4-5 meters; the stems are thin and very branched, bright green in color, tend to lignify at the base. The leaves are imparipinnate, quite thick and leathery, dark green in...
copy of Parsley Seeds
  • Reduced price / -20%
2214 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

copy of Parsley Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.40 €3.00
copy of Parsley Seeds
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471 pezzi -
Time left
Aromatic plants

copy of Parsley Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.40 €3.00
copy of Passiflora Cerulea...
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424 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

copy of Passiflora Cerulea Plant

Mondo Piante
€11.99 €14.99
Generalities Passiflora Caerulea plant: Passionflower is a herbaceous plant with climbing habit. It grows quickly and can be grown both in pots and in the ground, alongside walls, railings and gates exposed to the sun. Passiflora there are hundreds of species and all popular for the beauty of the flowers or the beneficial properties. Passiflora caerulea...
copy of Passiflora... copy of Passiflora... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
4999 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

copy of Passiflora Quadrangularis Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalities Passiflora Quadrangularis plant: The Passiflora Quadrangularis plants are evergreen creepers of South African origin, highly appreciated for their beautiful blooms and in some species for their edible fruits. They produce herbaceous or semi-woody stems, bright green in color, have large palmate leaves, the same color as the stems. During the...
copy of Pepino Plant
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Bush Plants

copy of Pepino Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
copy of Photinia plant
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Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€5.60 €7.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Photinia plant copy of Photinia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
498 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Photinia plant copy of Photinia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
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1082 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
copy of Pianta Alloro copy of Pianta Alloro 2
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2462 pezzi -
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copy of Pianta Alloro

Mondo Piante
€160.00 €200.00
Generalità Pianta Alloro: La pianta Alloro, detta anche Laurus nobilis, è una pianta aromatica diffusa in natura in tutta l’area mediterranea. Sono alberi sempreverdi, che possono raggiungere i dieci metri di altezza.  La pianta Alloro produce una vegetazione densa e fitta, ha fusto con corteccia scura, molto ramificato, spesso anche nella parte bassa, a...
copy of Pianta Crategus copy of Pianta Crategus 2
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500 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Pianta Crategus

Mondo Piante
€8.00 €10.00
Generalità Pianta Crataegus: La pianta Crataegus comprende circa duecento specie di alberi ed arbusti a foglia caduca, originari dell'Europa, dell'Asia e del nord America; hanno portamento eretto e producono una chioma disordinata, gli arbusti raggiungono i 3-4 metri di altezza, gli alberi raggiungono un'altezza massima di 6-8 metri. Le foglie sono di...
copy of Pianta Eugenia... copy of Pianta Eugenia... 2
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copy of Pianta Eugenia Myrtifolia Vaso 7cm

Mondo Piante
€239.20 €299.00
Generalità Pianta Eugenia Myrtifolia: L’Eugenia Myrtifolia è una pianta originaria dell’Australia, dalla chioma densa e arrotondata e dalla forma ben accestita e ramificata, può raggiungere i 5 m di altezza ed i 2 di larghezza; fa parte della stessa famiglia del mirto che cresce spontaneo in Sardegna, ma è poco diffusa in coltivazione in Italia. L’Eugenia...
copy of Pianta Euonymus... copy of Pianta Euonymus... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
1402 pezzi -
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copy of Pianta Euonymus Livornese

Mondo Piante
€128.00 €160.00
Generalità Pianta Euonymus Livornese: La pianta Euonymus Japonicus livornese,definita 'evonimo del Giappone', è un arbusto folto, cespuglioso, sempreverde con foglie opposte leggermente appuntite, dentate, coriacee, lucenti dall’ interno giallo brillante e larghi margini verde scuro, lunghe fino a 6 cm.A tarda primavera produce fiori piccoli di color...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
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copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€239.20 €299.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
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copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Pianta Lauroceraso copy of Pianta Lauroceraso 2
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copy of Pianta Lauroceraso

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Lauroceraso: La pianta Lauroceraso è un arbusto molto diffuso nei giardini italiani. Si tratta di un arbusto vigoroso e resistente, sempreverde, con vegetazione fitta e compatta; le foglie sono ovali, lanceolate, con margine dentato, di colore verde scuro; in primavera, sbocciano piccoli fiori a stella, di colore bianco. Prima di...
copy of Pianta Ligustro copy of Pianta Ligustro 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
2099 pezzi -
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copy of Pianta Ligustro

Mondo Piante
€128.00 €160.00
Generalità Pianta Ligustro: Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
copy of Pianta Ligustro copy of Pianta Ligustro 2
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1108 pezzi -
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copy of Pianta Ligustro

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Ligustro: Il ligustro è una pianta da fiori del genere ligustrum. Il genere contiene circa 50 specie di eretti, decidui o arbusti sempreverdi, a volte formando alberi di piccole o medie dimensioni. Il ligustro è un gruppo di arbusti e piccoli alberi dell’Asia meridionale e orientale, che dall’Himalaya si estende in Australia. Possono...
copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
996 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant

Mondo Piante
€56.00 €70.00
Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant: The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
4998 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Pitosforo Tobira plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generality of the Pitosforo Tobira plant: The Pitosforo plant is native to East Asia, Africa and Australia. These are small, evergreen, semi-rustic shrubs and trees with very ornamental foliage. They are particularly suitable for growing as bushes in the gardens of areas with a mild climate; in coastal areas they are used to form hedges. The soil must be...
copy of Plumbago Plant copy of Plumbago Plant 2
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Climbing plants

copy of Plumbago Plant

Mondo Piante
€11.99 €14.99
Generalità Pianta Plumbago: La pianta Plumbago è un arbusto rampicante originario dell'Africa, alcune specie di plumbago sono originarie dell'Europa meridionale. Ha fusti sottili, semilegnosi, che possono raggiungere lunghezze prossime ai 1,5-2 metri, ma che solitamente vengono mantenuti più compatti con potature autunnali; le foglie sono ovali e di...
copy of Plumbago Plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
5000 pezzi -
Time left
Climbing plants

copy of Plumbago Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Plumbago: La pianta Plumbago è un arbusto rampicante originario dell'Africa, alcune specie di plumbago sono originarie dell'Europa meridionale. Ha fusti sottili, semilegnosi, che possono raggiungere lunghezze prossime ai 1,5-2 metri, ma che solitamente vengono mantenuti più compatti con potature autunnali; le foglie sono ovali e di...
copy of Polyanthum jasmine... copy of Polyanthum jasmine... 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
49999 pezzi -
Time left
Climbing plants

copy of Polyanthum jasmine Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalities Polyanthum jasmine plant:  the Polyanthum Jasmine is a climbing plant with a decorative design widely used in gardens for ornamental purposes, for separation hedges, embellishing gazebos and pergolas. It is a perennial climbing plant with a shrubby bearing, thickly branched with hanging semi-woody stems bearing numerous ovate and shiny,...
copy of Polygonum Capitatum...
  • Reduced price / -20%
4943 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Polygonum Capitatum Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.99 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Polygonum Capitatum: La Pianta Polygonium è una pianta tapezzante molto apprezzate per l'abbondanza dei fiori e del fogliame dal caratteristico color porpora. Produce sottili fusti leggermente carnosi,striscianti, che possono raggiungere i 45-50 cm di altezza. Una piccola pianta può dare origine ad un'ampia macchia nel corso dei mesi,...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
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Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
508 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
498 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
copy of Red Metrosideros Plant copy of Red Metrosideros Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
498 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Red Metrosideros Plant

Mondo Piante
€12.00 €15.00
Generalità Pianta Metrosideros Rosso: La pianta Metrosideros conta circa trenta specie di alberi e arbusti sempreverdi, originari delle isole Hawaii, dell'Australia e della Nuove Zelanda. Hanno portamento eretto, allargato, con chioma molto densa e ramificata; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, ricoperte da una spessa peluria grigio-biancastra....
copy of Red Metrosideros Plant copy of Red Metrosideros Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
1107 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Red Metrosideros Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generalità Pianta Metrosideros Rosso: La pianta Metrosideros conta circa trenta specie di alberi e arbusti sempreverdi, originari delle isole Hawaii, dell'Australia e della Nuove Zelanda. Hanno portamento eretto, allargato, con chioma molto densa e ramificata; le foglie sono ovali, di colore verde scuro, ricoperte da una spessa peluria grigio-biancastra....
copy of Rosa Plant copy of Rosa Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -20%
881 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Rosa Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Rosa : La Pianta Rosa , sono arbusti con foglie lucide a forma lanceolata. E' una Rosa che offre una fioritura molto prolungata nella stagione e continua,i suoi fiori vanno dal rosa al giallo, bianco, dall'ocra al violetto. Nascono come boccioli rosso scuro e via via che si aprono, assumono colorazioni diverse. Le foglie,inizialmente...
copy of Rosmarinus...
  • Reduced price / -20%
  • New
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Aromatic plants

copy of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) Plant

Mondo Piante
€14.40 €18.00
Generality of the Rosmarinus officinalis Plant: The Rosemary plant comes from the Mediterranean areas. It is an aromatic plant with very fragrant leaves, used above all in the kitchen to flavor different dishes. The leaves are persistent. It is a shrub that in nature can reach 3 meters in height. The flowers are blue-mauve that bloom from spring. The...
copy of Rue Plant
  • Reduced price / -20%
1030 pezzi -
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Aromatic plants

copy of Rue Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Rue Plant: Rue is a perennial herbaceous plant with herbaceous stems rather ramified up to one meter high. The leaves are three-hectares divided into very fragrant lacinias, used in the kitchen and to flavor the grappa. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, yellow, brought by apical inflorescences in corymbus. The fruits are capsules...
copy of Sage Plant
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Aromatic plants

copy of Sage Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.59 €1.99
Generality of the Sage Plant: Sage is perhaps the most famous aromatic plant known. It can be considered the most important of the kitchen, as it is known and used all over the world for its aroma since ancient times. The species that we are accustomed to use to flavor our dishes is the Sage officinalis or common sage, a perennial species native to the...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
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copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€17.99 €19.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
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copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€13.41 €14.90
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€13.41 €14.90
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1582 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€13.50 €15.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€13.49 €14.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€12.59 €13.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
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copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€23.39 €25.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1440 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€7.20 €8.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€25.65 €28.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€18.89 €20.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.89 €10.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€16.65 €18.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€16.65 €18.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.00 €10.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
500 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€11.25 €12.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.89 €10.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.89 €10.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.55 €9.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€10.35 €11.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€49.95 €55.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
500 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€11.70 €13.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€17.09 €18.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €17.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
487 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€7.20 €8.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
491 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€29.69 €32.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1499 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€22.50 €25.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
1411 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€6.30 €7.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1261 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€3.60 €4.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1487 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€36.81 €40.90
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1338 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€11.70 €13.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
473 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.10 €9.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1577 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€18.89 €20.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1442 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.10 €9.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1101 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€12.59 €13.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
497 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€18.00 €20.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€18.45 €20.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
11587 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€15.30 €17.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1487 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€19.71 €21.90
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.00 €10.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€14.39 €15.99
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€120.15 €133.50
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€4.50 €5.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1087 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€27.00 €30.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€22.50 €25.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€13.50 €15.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
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