Williams pear tree
the William Pear is a variety of English origin selected at the end of the 18th century, William is certainly the best known and most widespread variety in our markets and fruit stalls in supermarkets. It has a "flask" shape and a yellowish light green skin, depending on the state of ripeness. The flesh is white, tender, sweet and juicy, which is why everyone likes it. This type of pear is used to make jams and fruit juices, and is also ideal for fruit salads, smoothies and cocktails. Soft and sugary, especially if fully ripe, it is also excellent eaten alone, as a snack or as a snack.
- jar 16cm, height 120/150cm
- jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
William Pear is a variety of English origin selected at the end of the 18th century, William is certainly the best known and most widespread variety in our markets and fruit stalls in supermarkets. The fruit has medium or medium-large size, cidoniform or sometimes piriform. It has a "flask" shape and a yellowish light green skin, depending on the state of ripeness. The flesh is white, tender, sweet and juicy, that's why everyone likes it. This type of pear is used to make jams and fruit juices, and is also ideal for fruit salads, smoothies and cocktails. Soft and sugary, especially when fully ripe, it is also excellent eaten alone, as a snack or as a snack. The affinity on quince is generally poor or very poor especially with healed material. Pear is a valuable aid in the regularization of blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It lowers tension levels, avoiding the formation of clots and increasing, on the other hand, the blood flow to all organs, enhancing their efficiency.
Cultivation and Care:
The pear tree is a fairly cold-resistant plant, it gives good production in hilly and mountainous areas. It also resists well in drought areas and with fairly high average annual temperatures. They require a typically neutral substrate (pH values around 6.5-7), it also adapts well to a sub-acid substrate (a pH with values around 5-5.5) or limestone with a pH of 7.5-8 . An ideal soil must be fresh, deep and medium-textured. As already mentioned, the production can take place without problems at different altitudes, from the plains to mountain areas, the important thing is that the soil and the position respect the needs of the plant.The pear tree does not require particular irrigation measures, in fact, it resists long periods of drought. A water supply can be useful in the first weeks after the young seedlings are implanted. In some areas, a lack of water in the delicate phases such as flowering and the first fruiting stages can be dangerous, in these cases it is preferable to irrigate until the rains start again. As soon as the plants are planted, fertilization with mature manure around the plants can be carried out. In the spring it is possible to make an amount of ammonium sulphate of 400g every 10 square meters of cultivation, alternatively you can use 200 grams of urea for the same surface.