Vendita Piante OnLine - Tutto per la Cura delle Tue Piante

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Anisodontea Lilla Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
1863 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Anisodontea Lilla Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Anisodontea : La pianta anisodontea, è un arbusto africano sempreverde dalle abbondanti fioriture; nel corso degli anni possono raggiungere i 90-120 cm di altezza. Produce piccoli fiori piatti, simili ai fiori del pesco, nei toni del rosa e del bianco. I fiori sbocciano lungo i fusti, per mantenere la pianta ben compatta e favorire lo...
Pepper Seeds Pepper Seeds 2
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4056 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Pepper Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Cineraria Sylver Dust...
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935 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Cineraria Sylver Dust Plant, Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Sylver Dust: La cineraria ‘Silver Dust' è un arbusto che appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae. L’altezza della pianta non supera i 50cm, in genere è in media di 40 cm o più piccola. Le foglie di questa cultivar sono persistenti. Il fiore è giallo appartiene alla famiglia delle Asteraceae, il suo periodo di fioritura è...
Sanguinello Orange Tree Sanguinello Orange Tree 2
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2069 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Sanguinello Orange Tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generalites: The Sanguinello Orange Plant is a variety with good vigor and has dark green vegetation. The branches generally tend to fall back a little, the leaves are quite large and with a winged petiole. Flowering occurs in spring and shows very fragrant flowers in clusters or alone. The fruits are slightly oblong in shape and when ripe from...
Rome Tomato Seeds Rome Tomato Seeds 2
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2179 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Rome Tomato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Cineraria Maritima Plant
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10913 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Cineraria Maritima Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Cineraria Maritima: La pianta di cineraria è un genere che comprende circa 3000 specie di piante, molto differenti tra loro anche per caratteristiche botaniche. Include infatti sia piante erbacee che arbustive, sia specie succulente che carnose. Piante erbacee perenni dal fogliame grigio argenteo, utilizzate come tapezzanti. Vaso 7cm,...
Ceratostigma Willmottianum... Ceratostigma Willmottianum... 2
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921 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Ceratostigma Willmottianum Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ceratostigma Willmottianum: La pianta Ceratostigma willmottianum è un arbusto a portamento ordinato,con foglie lanceolate rosse. In autunno ama il terreno fresco, leggero. Come esposizione preferisce il sole; il fiore è blu e appartiene alla famiglia delle Plumbaginaceae. Il suo periodo di fioritura è Giugno - Ottobre e raggiunge...
Blue Dwarf Agerato Seeds Blue Dwarf Agerato Seeds 2
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2062 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Blue Dwarf Agerato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Round Carrot of Paris Seeds Round Carrot of Paris Seeds 2
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2624 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Round Carrot of Paris Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
National Radish Seeds National Radish Seeds 2
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1634 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

National Radish Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Cayenna Pepper Seeds Cayenna Pepper Seeds 2
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741 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Cayenna Pepper Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Cabbage Broccolo Seeds Cabbage Broccolo Seeds 2
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2636 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Cabbage Broccolo Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Squash blossom Seeds Squash blossom Seeds 2
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2641 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Squash blossom Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Mimosa Seeds Mimosa Seeds 2
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2172 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Mimosa Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Chinese Mandarin Tree Chinese Mandarin Tree 2
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2021 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Chinese Mandarin Tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generality Chinese Mandarin Tree: The Chinese Mandarin is an evergreen plant native to China. The leaves are small and aromatic, the flowers are white and very fragrant. An adult plant can produce a lot of fruit. The fruits are orange in color with a very sweet taste. jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm 2
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466 pezzi -
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Climbing plants

Edera Hibernica Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€12.75 €15.00
Generalities Hibernica ivy plant: The Hedera hibernica plant is a climbing type, it is part of the Araliaceae family. It is also called with the common name of Ivy. The dimensions of the plant can be quite large with a height between 5 and 8 meters, the width instead is between 5 and 8 meters. In order for the plant to reach its maximum vigor, it takes...
Wonderful Pomegranate Tree
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2716 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Wonderful Pomegranate Tree

Mondo Piante
€12.26 €12.90
Generality of the Wonderful Pomegranate Tree: The Wonderful Pomegranate is the best known variety on the market, with an intense ruby red color and semi-hard seeds. Sweet and very tasty both to be consumed fresh and to obtain a juice, the Wonderful pomegranate is "late": it is available from the end of October until the end of March. This strain has a...
Borage Seeds Borage Seeds 2
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2196 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Borage Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Asparagus setaceus plant Asparagus setaceus plant 2
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333 pezzi -
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Piante Da Interno

Asparagus setaceus plant

Mondo Piante
€6.65 €7.00
Generality of the Asparagus setaceus plant: Asparagus plants, perennial shrubs with a climbing or drooping shape, are very interesting for their elegant ornamental foliage. It produces small pinkish-white flowers, gathered in inflorescences, followed by red berries. The Asparagus plant is a widely grown species in the apartment, even if it does not...
White Chard from Bari Seeds White Chard from Bari Seeds 2
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10106 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

White Chard from Bari Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm 2
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Bush Plants

Aucuba Plant Vase 14cm

Mondo Piante
€4.24 €4.99
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Orange Seeds Orange Seeds 2
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967 pezzi -
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Special Seeds

Orange Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Ice Mint Plant copy of Ice Mint Plant 2
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Aromatic plants

copy of Ice Mint Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generality of the Ice Mint Plant: Ice Mint is an evergreen with ovate leaves, with toothed margins covered with a light down. They are used in the medical field or in gastronomy. The mint plant is grown in the ground, in a sunny place, with a fresh and rich soil, without showing great necessity; at the moment of the plant, we work well the soil, enriching...
Sterlizia Seeds Sterlizia Seeds 2
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2002 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Sterlizia Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Pianta Erythrina... Pianta Erythrina... 2
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1076 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Pianta Erythrina Cristagalli Vaso 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Erythrina Cristagalli: La pianta Erythrina Cristagalli è un albero della famiglia delle Fabacee, originario di Argentina, Uruguay, Brasile, Bolivia e Paraguay. In Italia viene indicato come "albero di corallo". L'Erythrina crista-galli è l'albero nazionale dell'Argentina e il suo fiore è l'emblema floreale di Argentina e Uruguay. È anche...
Peanut Seeds Peanut Seeds 2
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Seeds and Bulbs

Peanut Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Leccino olive tree copy of Leccino olive tree 2
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4675 pezzi -
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copy of Leccino olive tree

Mondo Piante
€6.18 €6.50
Generality of the Leccino olive tree: The Leccina olive tree is a cultivar native to the areas of Lecce. It has a light to intense fruity flavor of fresh olives, with hints of grass, and notes of officinal herbs, in particular mint and basil. Slightly bitter and spicy taste, with vegetal tones of lettuce, chicory, artichoke and sweet almond on the...
Tall Double Marigold Seeds
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2172 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Tall Double Marigold Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Pianta Westringia... copy of Pianta Westringia... 2
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Garden Palms

copy of Pianta Westringia Fruticosa Vaso 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
copy of Terriccio Acidofile
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434 pezzi -
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Piante Acquatiche

copy of Terriccio Acidofile

Mondo Piante
€6.65 €7.00
Marmande Tomato Seeds Marmande Tomato Seeds 2
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11317 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Marmande Tomato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Royal Apricot Tree of Imola Royal Apricot Tree of Imola 2
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1109 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Royal Apricot Tree of Imola

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities Real Apricot Tree of Imola: The Royal Apricot of Imola has a medium late flowering, late ripening, the fruit that is used for the fresco consumption is of medium size and triangular shape, the color of the peel is yellow and that of the pulp is orange, of medium consistency , sweet acidulous, aromatic, half-standing. The core is large. Reale...
Pizzutella grape tree
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11323 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Pizzutella grape tree

Mondo Piante
€13.21 €13.90
Generality of the Pizzutella grape tree: The Pizzutella grape is grown mostly in Puglia and in the Tivoli area, the Pizzutella or Corna grape has a particular elongated and pointed shape. The name is linked to the Romanesque pizzuto, used to identify a pointed object like a horn, since the peculiarity of this fruit lies in the shape of the berries...
Pianta Dieffenbachia... Pianta Dieffenbachia... 2
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1358 pezzi -
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Pianta Dieffenbachia Camilla Vaso 9cm

Mondo Piante
€4.75 €5.00
Generalità Pianta Dieffenbachia: La dieffenbachia è una delle piante d’appartamento più conosciute e diffuse. Molti apprezzano infatti la bellezza delle sue foglie (che si possono trovare in un gran numero di sfumature) oltre alla adattabilità alle condizioni che si possono trovare nelle nostre case.Pianta molto diffusa in appartamento, la dieffembachia...
Ilex Nellie Steven Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
5298 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Ilex Nellie Steven Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Ilex Nellie Steven: La Pianta Ilex, è un grande arbusto a crescita abbastanza lenta, originario dell’Europa e dell’Asia; ha portamento eretto, e sviluppa una folta chioma di forma ovale o piramidale, a volte anche disordinata. Il fogliame sempreverde è di colore verde brillate e di forma ovale; le giovani foglie hanno margine munito di...
Pianta Rumohra...
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1273 pezzi -
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Pianta Rumohra Adiantiformis-Felce Cuoio

Mondo Piante
€3.80 €4.00
Generalità: La specie adiantiformis,conosciuta come felce cuoio, deriva dalla sua assomiglianza con un’altra felce,l’Adiantum.Il termine greco adíanton significa “che non si bagna”, in riferimento al fatto che le fronde di felce riparano dall’acqua. La felce cuoio è la più popolare fronda recisa utilizzata per le composizioni floreali. Ha una buona durata...
Tuscan Agretto Seeds Tuscan Agretto Seeds 2
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10987 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Tuscan Agretto Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Geranium Seeds Geranium Seeds 2
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Seeds and Bulbs

Geranium Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Feijoa Sellowiana...
  • Reduced price / -15%
1298 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

copy of Feijoa Sellowiana Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generalità Pianta Feijoa Sellowiana: La Feijoa è un arbusto sempreverde di origine brasiliana. Ha portamento ramificato, con crescita abbastanza lenta. Le foglie sono di colore grigio verde , spesse, lucide e cuoiose, di colore argenteo. In primavera inoltrata produce grandi fiori di colore bianco rosato, con lunghi stami rosso corallo; in estate ai fiori...
Italy grape tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
4127 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Italy grape tree

Mondo Piante
€13.21 €13.90
Generalities: Grape Italia has beautiful and tempting clusters, tasty, golden and spherical-shaped berries, grape Italia is one of the most loved and requested varieties by lovers of this fruit. From the symmetrical conical cluster, which can weigh up to 700 g, it is characterized by a sweet pulp and a crunchy and thick skin. , PP, mineral salts and...
Butternut Pumpkin Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
2680 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Butternut Pumpkin Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Tarot Orange Tree Tarot Orange Tree 2
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2601 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Tarot Orange Tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generality of the Tarot Orange Tree: Tarot oranges are a particular variety of citrus fruits grown in some areas of Sicily: with their sweet and sour taste, they are perfect to be consumed naturally or to prepare excellent juices. In addition to being very tasty, tarocco oranges are also rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. What favors this...
Pomelo tree Pomelo tree 2
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1883 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Pomelo tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generalities Pomelo tree: The pomelo is the fruit of the Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis plant, native to China, considered one of the three species from which all known citrus fruits derive, together with cedar and mandarin. It is also called Pomelo, Pummelo, Pampaleone, sciadocco, not to be confused with Grapefruit which is its hybrid. It is the largest...
Peach Tree Nectarine Peach Tree Nectarine 2
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12755 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Peach Tree Nectarine

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: It is believed that Nectarine Peach, also known as walnut peach, derives from genetic mutations of common peaches, fruits of the Prunus persica species. The fruits have a medium size and elongated shape. With yellow-green skin, when ripe, it is mostly covered by an intense red color. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Sensory Mimosa Seeds Sensory Mimosa Seeds 2
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4127 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Sensory Mimosa Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Plant of Albizia
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Garden Trees

Plant of Albizia

Mondo Piante
€1.76 €1.85
Generalities Albizia tree: The genus Albizia (or albizzia) belongs to the large Fabaceae family (formerly Leguminosae), where we find about fifty species all spectacular plants both for their leaves and their flowers. They are plants native to subtropical Asia and are real trees reminiscent of Acacias, with umbrella-like foliage, erect stem that bears...
Cucamelon Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
9981 pezzi -
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Special Seeds

Cucamelon Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Valerian Seeds Valerian Seeds 2
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1684 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Valerian Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Polignano Carrot Seeds Polignano Carrot Seeds 2
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1320 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Polignano Carrot Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.81 €1.90
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
  • Reduced price / -5%
487 pezzi -
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copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€11.40 €12.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
Pachyphytum Succulent Plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
11855 pezzi -
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Succulent plants

Pachyphytum Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.90 €2.00
Phillyrea Angustifolia...
  • Reduced price / -15%
4728 pezzi -
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Hedge Plants

Phillyrea Angustifolia Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalities of the Phillyrea Angustifolia plant: Phillyrea angustifolia is a shrub native to the Mediterranean, ideal for forming hedges in a Mediterranean and coastal climate. Its foliage is composed of lanceolate leaves of a shiny dark green color, which give life to a very compact shrub and ideal for hedges. Phillyrea angustifolia produces fragrant...
Peach Tree Percoca Peach Tree Percoca 2
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Fruit Plants

Peach Tree Percoca

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: Percoca peach, also known as percocca or pescocca, is a compact and sticky yellow-fleshed peach variety. They are particularly known for their cultivation in Campania, Puglia and Calabria. They are the classic peaches that are used to prepare canned fruit, juices and flavored wine. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Cardoncelli Mushrooms Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
954 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Cardoncelli Mushrooms Seeds

Mondo Piante
€4.66 €4.90
Red Basil Seeds Red Basil Seeds 2
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1693 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Red Basil Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Buddleja Plant copy of Buddleja Plant 2
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1515 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Buddleja Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Buddleja: Le piante di Buddleja sono arbusti di facile coltivazione, dalla lunga fioritura e sono disponibili in moltissimi colori e dimensioni. Per questo risultano molto diffuse nel nostro paese, in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, benché siano originarie dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’America del Sud. Negli ultimi anni sono diventate sempre...
Cosmic Purple Carrot Seeds Cosmic Purple Carrot Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1946 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Cosmic Purple Carrot Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Red Sage Seeds Red Sage Seeds 2
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4143 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Red Sage Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Liriope Variegata Plant
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Bush Plants

Liriope Variegata Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Petunia Seeds Petunia Seeds 2
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1184 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Petunia Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Gerbera Seeds Gerbera Seeds 2
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2256 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Gerbera Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Ponderosa Tomato Seeds Ponderosa Tomato Seeds 2
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11364 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Ponderosa Tomato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Pine Bonsai Seeds Pine Bonsai Seeds 2
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1146 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Pine Bonsai Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
White Eggplant Seeds White Eggplant Seeds 2
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717 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

White Eggplant Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
49989 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Pinguicula' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.64 €6.99
Generality of the Pinguicula Plant: Pinguicula is a genus of carnivorous plants belonging to the Lentibulariaceae family. Plants of this kind use sticky and glandular leaves to attract, capture, kill and digest insects to compensate for the lack of mineral nutrients present in their habitat. On-line Sale of the Pinguicula plant, available in the following...
copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds 2
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11812 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Bonsai Ficus... copy of Bonsai Ficus... 2
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423 pezzi -
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copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng with Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€9.50 €10.00
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
'Drosera Capensis'... 'Drosera Capensis'... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
441 pezzi -
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Carnivorous plants

'Drosera Capensis' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.64 €6.99
Generality of the Drosera Plant: Drosera capensis is a carnivorous plant of the Droseraceae family. It is native to the region of Cape Town (South Africa), from which it takes its name. Thanks to its size, ease of cultivation and copious seed production, it has become one of the most common species of Drosera cultivated. On-line Sale of the Drosera plant,...
Alyogyne Delighfully Plant Alyogyne Delighfully Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1279 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Alyogyne Delighfully Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Alyogyne Delighfully : Le piante di Alyogyne sono arbusti sempreverdi originari dell'Australia con fiori simili a quelli dell'Ibisco. Questa pianta cresce ricoprendo tutto il terreno che ha a disposizione. La pianta Alyogine ha lo sviluppo di un arbusto. E' di taglia media e può raggiungere i 2,5 m di altezza. In primavera assume una...
Leonotis Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
1470 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Leonotis Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Leonotis: La Pianta Leonotis è un arbusto sempreverde dal gradevole impatto visivo per la composizione dei fiori disposti a ciuffi. Di origine sudafricana, presenta foglie lanceolate, leggermente dentate, di colore grigio- verde. I fiori compaioni tra l'estate e l'autunno. Ha foglie opposte, larghe e dentate, aromatiche se strofinate;...
Sweet Corn Seeds Sweet Corn Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1264 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Sweet Corn Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Orange Lotus Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Garden Plants

Orange Lotus Plant

Mondo Piante
€5.09 €5.99
Generalità Pianta Lotus Arancio: La pianta Lotus è un'erbacea perenne originaria delle isole Canarie, semi-sempreverde; ha portamento rampicante o prostrato, raggiunge i 25-30 cm di altezza, ma tende ad allargarsi molto rapidamente, costituendo un ampio cespuglio; ha fusti sottili, che portano lunghe foglie lineari, di colore verde-argentato o bluastro,...
Mimosa Pudica Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Bush Plants

Mimosa Pudica Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Mimosa Pudica: L'albero di Mimosa Pudica è un arbusto sempreverde di piccole dimensioni, in genere ricadente o eretto, originario dell’America meridionale. Ha sottili fusti di colore marrone rossastro, scarsamente ramificati, che portano lunghe foglie pennate, costituite da piccole foglioline ovali-ellittiche, appiattite; la...
Statice Seeds Statice Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4132 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Statice Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli...
  • Reduced price / -5%
10032 pezzi -
Time left
Succulent plants

copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli in Basket Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€27.55 €29.00
Generalità Pianta Grassa Euphorbia Tirucalli: La pianta Euphorbia Tirucalli è una pianta grassa succulenta arbustiva o arborea alta sino a 12 m., con fusti molto ramificati di colore verde, a getti sottili (larghi al massimo 1,5 cm.), cilindrici; all'apice di questi rametti a “matita” compaiono foglie singole e non carnose, caduche. I fiori sono di colore...
Papaya Seeds Papaya Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1283 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Papaya Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Coronilla Valentina Plant... Coronilla Valentina Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
10948 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Coronilla Valentina Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Coronilla Valentina: La Coronilla è una pianta arbustiva appartenente alla famiglia delle Leguminose o Fabaceae, coltivata a scopo ornamentale per la bellezza dei suoi profumatissimi fiori simili a quelli della polygala, della ginestra o della Cassia, nelle aiuole dei giardini e in vaso.La Coronilla è una pianta a portamento rampicante...
Cypress Seeds Cypress Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
77 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Cypress Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Pianta Photinia copy of Pianta Photinia 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11547 pezzi -
Time left
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Photinia

Mondo Piante
€66.50 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Photinia: La pianta Photina è un arbusto tondeggiante, con fusti sottili; le foglie sono ovali o lanceolate, di colore rosso vivace quando germogliano, divengono poi verde scuro; anche durante l'autunno e l'inverno alcune foglie possono assumere colorazione aranciata. All'inizio della primavera produce numerosi fiori bianchi profumati....
Thunder Almond Tree Thunder Almond Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1106 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Thunder Almond Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: The Tuono Almond Tree is a plant of Apulian origin with medium-early maturation with little vigorous tree, expanded bearing, fruiting carried only on the bunches and high productivity. The fruit has medium dimensions, elliptical-elongated shape, with open ventral suture, raised dorsal suture, light brown color and with wrinkled shell and...
Kiwano Seeds Kiwano Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2287 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Kiwano Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Portulaca Seeds Portulaca Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2232 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Portulaca Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Wax Flower Plant Wax Flower Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Bush Plants

Wax Flower Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Wax Flower: La Pianta Wax flower, è un arbusto sempreverde,di origine australiana con fogliame fine e grandi mazzi di fiori cerati. Le piante di wax flower sono arrotondate, con sottili fusti ben ramificati ;il fogliame è aghiforme; contiene olii essenziali che lo rendono molto profumato se schiacciato, con un sentore di spezie e limone....
Golden Delicius Apple Tree Golden Delicius Apple Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
3565 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Golden Delicius Apple Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities : The Golden Delicius Apple is a widespread apple variety of great value and widely cultivated. The tree is vigorous and very productive, the fruit is of medium size with a golden yellow skin when fully ripe. The cream-colored pulp is compact and crunchy, juicy, slightly acidic, very aromatic, with a good sugar content and acidity. Ripens...
Lupinus Seeds Lupinus Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1390 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Lupinus Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Pianta Westringia... copy of Pianta Westringia... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Garden Palms

copy of Pianta Westringia Fruticosa Vaso 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.90 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
Lemon Tree in phytocell
  • Reduced price / -5%
2236 pezzi -
Time left
Citrus Plants

Lemon Tree in phytocell

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generality of the Lemon Tree: The lemon tree in the garden is an ancient tradition. In recent years it has become a real trend to grow it even at home because it is an evergreen with a beautiful, aromatic shape, with delicately scented flowers and edible fruits. The lemon is a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family native to India and the Far East, a...
White Alisso Seeds White Alisso Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4162 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

White Alisso Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Anise Seeds Anise Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
10073 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Anise Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Cupressus '' GoldCrest... Cupressus '' GoldCrest... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
500 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

Cupressus '' GoldCrest Wilma '' Vase 17cm

Mondo Piante
€8.50 €10.00
Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant: The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1015 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Convolvolus Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Convolvolus: La pianta Convolvolus è una pianta erbacea, rampicante annuale o perenne, talvolta semiarbustiva o cespugliosa. Le foglie possono essere cuoriformi, lanceolate, a forma di spatola, con margini lisci o dentellati, glabre o pelose di color verde chiaro o scuro a seconda della specie. I fiori sono sempre a forma di imbuto molto...
Ipomea Seeds Ipomea Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2233 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Ipomea Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1354 pezzi -
Time left
Piante Da Interno

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
€6.18 €6.50
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
Nettle Seeds Nettle Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11343 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Nettle Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Chabaud Carnation Seeds Chabaud Carnation Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2253 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Chabaud Carnation Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Jagged Chicory Seeds Jagged Chicory Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
746 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Jagged Chicory Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Popcorn Mais Seeds Popcorn Mais Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2164 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Popcorn Mais Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
4991 pezzi -
Time left
Carnivorous plants

'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.64 €6.99
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
Japanese Lawn Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
2252 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Japanese Lawn Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Fig tree Fig tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
108 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Fig tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities : The common fig is a fruit tree of temperate subtropical climates belonging to the Moraceae family and to the genus ficus, which represents its most northern species; produces the fruit called fig. What is commonly believed to be the fruit is actually a large fleshy, pyriform infructescence, rich in sugars when ripe, called syconium varying...
Tea  Plant (Camelia sinensis) Tea  Plant (Camelia sinensis) 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
500 pezzi -
Time left

Tea Plant (Camelia sinensis)

Mondo Piante
€11.40 €12.00
Generalities : Its scientific name is Camellia sinensis, this plant is famous all over the world for the use of the leaves and buds used for the production of tea. The tea plant belongs to the Camellia genus, of the Theaceae family. In the world it is also known as the tea tree but in Italy we must be careful not to fall into misunderstanding, with us,...
copy of Pianta Westringia... copy of Pianta Westringia... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1252 pezzi -
Time left
€6.65 €7.00
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
Dragonecello Seeds Dragonecello Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1422 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Dragonecello Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Arctotis Plant Arctotis Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1905 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Arctotis Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Arctotis  : Le piante di Arctotis, sono erbacea perenni dalla forma rampicante o tappezzante, è originaria dell’Africa meridionale. Dalla primavera avanzata fino ai primi freddi intensi producono grandi fiori a margherita. Di facile coltivazione, spesso tendono ad avere vita breve, ed a non sopravvivere per più di 2-3 anni, anche se si...
Primula Seeds Primula Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1299 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Primula Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Cupressus ''...
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Cupressus '' GoldCrest Wilma '' Vase 17cm

Mondo Piante
€11.05 €13.00
Generalities of the Cupressus GoldCrest plant: The Cypress Goldcrest is an evergreen shrub characterized by a conical posture, with age the base widens, and is equipped with dense and erect branches. The main feature of this variety is its fantastic evergreen, bright golden yellow leaves. The most pleasant feature is that if you rub them with your hands,...
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1263 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€3.60 €4.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Pianta Viburno Lucido copy of Pianta Viburno Lucido 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
924 pezzi -
Time left
Offerte e Promozioni

copy of Pianta Viburno Lucido

Mondo Piante
€66.50 €70.00
Generalità Pianta Viburno Lucido: La pianta viburno è molto diffusa nei giardini per la facilità di coltivazione, hanno in genere forma arrotondata e raggiungono i 3-4 metri di altezza nell'arco di alcuni anni. Il fogliame è ovale o lanceolato di colore verde scuro. I fusti sono molto ramificati, e sopportano potature anche drastiche, per mantenere...
Cytisus Plant Cytisus Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
871 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Cytisus Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Cytisus: Le pianta di Cytisus sono arbusti sempreverdi molto apprezzati per l'abbondante fioritura generalmente molto rustici e facili da coltivare. Sono piante per lo più a portamento arbustivo di dimensioni variabili fino a superare i due metri di altezza con foglie trifoliate e  fiori che nella maggior parte delle specie sono di...
copy of Parsley Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
1978 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Parsley Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Asparagus Legs Asparagus Legs 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Asparagus Legs

Mondo Piante
€5.61 €5.90
Williams pear tree Williams pear tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
500 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Williams pear tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities:  the William Pear is a variety of English origin selected at the end of the 18th century, William is certainly the best known and most widespread variety in our markets and fruit stalls in supermarkets. It has a "flask" shape and a yellowish light green skin, depending on the state of ripeness. The flesh is white, tender, sweet and juicy,...
Zinnia Lilliput Seeds Zinnia Lilliput Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
10158 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Zinnia Lilliput Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Marjoram Seeds Marjoram Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1208 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Marjoram Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Stevia Seeds Stevia Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2201 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Stevia Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Photinia plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Photinia plant

Mondo Piante
€5.95 €7.00
Generality of the Photinia plant: The Photina plant is a round shrub with thin stems; the leaves are oval or lanceolate, bright red when they sprout, then become dark green; even during autumn and winter some leaves may take on an orange color. In early spring it produces numerous fragrant white flowers. In summer, some small reddish berries can be seen...
'Leucocarpa' Olive tree 'Leucocarpa' Olive tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Olive Plants

'Leucocarpa' Olive tree

Mondo Piante
€28.50 €30.00
Generality of the 'Leucocarpa' Olive tree: The Leucocarpa variety produces a very light oil, with constant productivity. It is not used in human nutrition, but is traditionally mixed with the extracts of roots and balm to obtain the Chrism oil. The ointment used by the Catholic Church in many ceremonies as baptism and confirmation. Also in other churches...
Cyperus Alternifolius Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
973 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Cyperus Alternifolius Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Cyperus Alternifolius: La pianta del Cyperus alternifolius conosciuto ai più come falso papiro è una pianta perenne di origini Africane diffusa in modo particolare nel territorio del Madagascar. Ha ridotte dimensioni e per questo è molto adatta alla coltivazione in appartamento, raggiunge altezze di massimo 90cm. Nel suo habitat naturale...
Vanilla persimmon tree Vanilla persimmon tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
12160 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Vanilla persimmon tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: Persimmon in general and vanilla persimmon in particular is held in high regard in the Far East, especially in China, which has always been considered the home of herbal medicine. Vanilla persimmon is the fruit of the beginning of winter par excellence. Especially in December. In addition to being of great nutritional value, this fruit is...
Ruellia Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
Out of stock
Time left
Bush Plants

Ruellia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Ruellia: La pianta Ruellia è una pianta da fiore appartenente alla famiglia Acantacea. E’ comunemente chiamata petunia messicana o petunia del deserto richiamando col nome le sue origini: è originaria del Messico e dell’America centrale. La petunia messicana è una vigorosa pianta erbacea perenne che raggiunge l’altezza di circa 90 cm e...
Catnip Seeds Catnip Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2005 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Catnip Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Thai Dragon Chili Seeds Thai Dragon Chili Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
772 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Thai Dragon Chili Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Pianta Westringia...
  • Reduced price / -5%
491 pezzi -
Time left
€18.91 €19.90
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
Seeds Hop Plant Seeds Hop Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1433 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Seeds Hop Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Westringia... copy of Westringia... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
4077 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

copy of Westringia Fruticosa Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.38 €7.50
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
Bull Horn Pepper Seeds Bull Horn Pepper Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11412 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Bull Horn Pepper Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
copy of Tradescantia Plant copy of Tradescantia Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
979 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.71 €1.80
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
Aloe Arborescens Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Aloe Arborescens Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Justicia Carnea Plant Justicia Carnea Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
4 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Justicia Carnea Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Justicia Carnea: La Pianta Justicia è una magnifica pianta originaria del Brasile, questa specie semi-arbustiva presenta fusti quadrangolari e rossastri e foglie lanceolate. Alla fine dell’estate produce fiori rosa o carminio chiaro, che compaiono in spighe terminali compatte e bratteate. La temperatura minima invernale non deve scendere...
Erythrina Coralloides Plant... Erythrina Coralloides Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1081 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Erythrina Coralloides Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Erythrina Coralloides: La pianta Erythrina Coralloides è un arbusto appartenente ad un genere che comprende più di 100 specie di alberi originari dell'America centrale. Ha portamento eretto, molto ramificato e può raggiungere i 4-5 m di altezza se le condizioni di coltivazione sono ideali; ha corteccia liscia, spinosa, grigio-marrone,...
Stephanotis Floribunda...
  • Reduced price / -15%
495 pezzi -
Time left
Climbing plants

Stephanotis Floribunda Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€8.93 €10.50
Generalities Plant Stephanotis Floribunda: the plant of Stephanotis, known as the Madagascar jasmine is a delicious climbing plant, very decorative thanks not only to its leaves but also to its very fragrant flowers, often used to adorn racks or walls.The leaves are of a beautiful intense green color thick and leathery that grow paired on the stems. The...
Amaranto Seeds Amaranto Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1277 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Amaranto Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Bella di Imola Apricot tree Bella di Imola Apricot tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
20176 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Bella di Imola Apricot tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities : The Apricot Bella di Imola is a medium-early or intermediate ripening plant of Italian origin and identified in the Imola several years ago which requires constant thinning. It has a medium-high vigor tree, upright growth, high and constant productivity and bears fruit on bunches of May and one-year branches. the fruit is medium-large,...
Celery Seeds Celery Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2110 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Celery Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Okra Seeds Okra Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1314 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Okra Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Chestnut Tree Chestnut Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4158 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Chestnut Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: The European chestnut, in Italy more commonly called chestnut, is a tree belonging to the Fagaceae family and to the Castanea genus, of which it is the only native present in Europe. In recent decades, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) has often been introduced for phytopathological reasons. The fruit has been used since ancient times, as...
Bauhinia Plant Vase  7cm
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Bush Plants

Bauhinia Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Bauhinia Variegata: Le piante di Bauhinia sono conosciute anche con il nome di 'albero orchidea' in quanto,in alcune specie, i fiori ricordano le orchidee. Si tratta infatti per lo più di alberi ed arbusti con rami più o meno spinosi caratterizzati da un legno duro. Le foglie sono composte, formate da due foglioline saldate dal picciolo...
Bauhinia plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Garden Trees

Bauhinia plant

Mondo Piante
€1.76 €1.85
Generalities : Bauhinia are very decorative plants not only for their flowers but also for their characteristic leaves. They are plants also known with the name of orchid tree because in some species the flowers resemble orchids and because they can become real trees reaching even ten meters in height and beyond. In fact, these are mostly trees and shrubs...
Golden Delicius Apple Tree Golden Delicius Apple Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
3891 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Golden Delicius Apple Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities : The Golden Delicius apple is a widespread apple variety of great value and widely cultivated. The tree is vigorous and very productive, the fruit is of medium size with a golden yellow skin when fully ripe. The cream-colored pulp is compact and crunchy, juicy, slightly acidic, very aromatic, with a good sugar content and acidity. Ripens...
Navel Orangee Tree Navel Orangee Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2008 pezzi -
Time left
Citrus Plants

Navel Orangee Tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generalities: Navel Orange is a table orange with an intense orange pulp. The flowering of the Washington Navel Orange is abundant in spring and the contrast of the white of the flowers with the dark green of the foliage is very beautiful. The shape of the fruit is round with a slight flattening on the poles; the wedges have a fine grain rich in juice and...
copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli... copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2334 pezzi -
Time left
Succulent plants

copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli in Basket Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€42.75 €45.00
Generalità Pianta Grassa Euphorbia Tirucalli: La pianta Euphorbia Tirucalli è una pianta grassa succulenta arbustiva o arborea alta sino a 12 m., con fusti molto ramificati di colore verde, a getti sottili (larghi al massimo 1,5 cm.), cilindrici; all'apice di questi rametti a “matita” compaiono foglie singole e non carnose, caduche. I fiori sono di colore...
Mustard Seeds Mustard Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2221 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Mustard Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Carissa Jasminoides Plant...
  • Reduced price / -15%
1404 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Carissa Jasminoides Plant Vase 7cm

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Carissa Jasminoides: La pianta Carissa Jasminoides un arbusto originario dell'Africa tropicale e subtropicale: sempreverde, molto ramificato, che raggiunge, ma lentamente, i 2-3 metri di altezza e diametro (nel tempo anche di più), a portamento perlopiù tondeggiante e pieno.Il fogliame è folto, coriaceo, ovale e appuntito, di un verde...
Marketer Cucumber Seeds Marketer Cucumber Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
790 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Marketer Cucumber Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Champignon Mushrooms Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
459 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Champignon Mushrooms Seeds

Mondo Piante
€4.66 €4.90
Royal Apricot Tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
1992 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Trees

Royal Apricot Tree

Mondo Piante
€12.26 €12.90
Generalities : The Royal Apricot of Imola has a medium late flowering, late ripening, the fruit that is used for the fresco consumption is of medium size and triangular shape, the color of the peel is yellow and that of the pulp is orange, of medium consistency , sweet acidulous, aromatic, half-standing. The core is large. Reale d'Imola is interesting for...
Lion Mouth Seeds Lion Mouth Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1298 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Lion Mouth Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Digitale Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
1295 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Digitale Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Alocasia tree copy of Alocasia tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11519 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
€6.65 €7.00
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
Scarola (endive) Seeds Scarola (endive) Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
790 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Scarola (endive) Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli... copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Succulent plants

copy of Euphorbia Tirucalli in Basket Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€4.75 €5.00
Generalità Pianta Grassa Euphorbia Tirucalli: La pianta Euphorbia Tirucalli è una pianta grassa succulenta arbustiva o arborea alta sino a 12 m., con fusti molto ramificati di colore verde, a getti sottili (larghi al massimo 1,5 cm.), cilindrici; all'apice di questi rametti a “matita” compaiono foglie singole e non carnose, caduche. I fiori sono di colore...
Westringia Fruticosa Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
1409 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Westringia Fruticosa Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
copy of Peach Tree Nectarine
  • Reduced price / -5%
2211 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

copy of Peach Tree Nectarine

Mondo Piante
€12.26 €12.90
Generalities Peach Tree Nectarine: It is believed that Nectarine Peach, also known as walnut peach, derives from genetic mutations of common peaches, fruits of the Prunus persica species. The fruits have a medium size and elongated shape. With yellow-green skin, when ripe, it is mostly covered by an intense red color. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm,...
Chili Kiss Of Satan Seeds Chili Kiss Of Satan Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11918 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Chili Kiss Of Satan Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
798 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

copy of Cherry Tomato Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Pumpkin Bottle Seeds Pumpkin Bottle Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2811 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Pumpkin Bottle Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Naga Morich Chili Seeds Naga Morich Chili Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2801 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Naga Morich Chili Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
1414 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€6.30 €7.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
copy of Dracaena plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
457 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Dracaena plant

Mondo Piante
€4.75 €5.00
Generality of the Dracaena plant: The dracena belongs to the Liliaceae family. This shrub includes dozens of different species, all with similar characteristics and with the same cultivation needs. The plant, also called by the botanical name "dracaena", is native to the hot and humid areas of Africa and Asia. jar 24c m, height 90cm
Habanero Chili Seeds Habanero Chili Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Habanero Chili Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Ginseng Seeds Ginseng Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Ginseng Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Watercress Seeds Watercress Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
10133 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Watercress Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Dipladenia Plant copy of Dipladenia Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Climbing plants

copy of Dipladenia Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.39 €3.99
Generalities Plant Dipladenia: The Dipladenia plant is an evergreen creeper with splendid blooms with funnel-shaped flowers. Dipladenia plants are highly appreciated for their foliage characterized by opposite leaves, smooth and of a more or less intense green color and for the white, pink or red flowers that bloom abundantly throughout the summer and...
Pimelea Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
11424 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Pimelea Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Pimelea: La Pimelea è una pianta ornamentale di facile coltivazione in piena terra ed in vaso.La Pimelea è un arbusto sempreverde appartenente alla famiglia delle Mirtaceae ed è originaria del continente Australiano. La pianta si sviluppa come un cespuglio ordinato e compatto di molteplici rametti eretti dalle foglie cerate di colore...
Sunflower Sun Gold Seeds Sunflower Sun Gold Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1325 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Sunflower Sun Gold Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Pavonia Plant Pavonia Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
943 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Pavonia Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Pavonia   : La pianta Pavonia, appartiene alla famiglia Malvaceae ed è di tipo arbustivo. L’altezza è compresa tra 100 e 150 cm può essere tenuta anche dove non c’è molto spazio, la larghezza va da 100 a 150 cm. Affinché la pianta raggiunga il suo massimo vigore sono necessari più o meno 10-20 anni. La specie ha foglie di tipo...
Yellow Watermelon Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
2795 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Yellow Watermelon Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Aloe Ibrida Succulent Plant Aloe Ibrida Succulent Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11572 pezzi -
Time left
Succulent plants

Aloe Ibrida Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng
  • Reduced price / -5%
499995 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng

Mondo Piante
€13.78 €14.50
Generality of Bonsai Ficus Ginseng: The bonsai ficus ginseng is an evergreen tree, which has a fairly continuous development throughout the year. It is a large tree, which in nature develops in the wet semitropical areas of Asia, in the rain forests. Characterized by a well broadened and gnarled stem and wide and shiny leaves. On-line Sale of Bonsai Ficus...
Abutilon Plant Abutilon Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
853 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Abutilon Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Abutilon: La pianta Abutilon è una pianta sempreverde sia erbacea che arbustiva che può raggiungere dimensioni notevoli: un metro e mezzo di altezza se allevate in vaso ma anche 5 m se coltivate in piena terra. Le foglie sono di forma ovale ellittica o cuoriforme a seconda della specie. I fiori, solitari o riuniti in infiorescenze, sono...
Lupine Seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
1403 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

Lupine Seeds

Mondo Piante
€5.23 €5.50
Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm
  • Reduced price / -15%
1488 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Buxus ball plant Vase 23cm

Mondo Piante
€16.15 €19.00
Generality of the Buxus Plant: Buy from the comfort of your home Plants of Buxus Sempervirens, Hedge Plant with geometric shapes: ball, cone, pyramid or spiral. Welcome Discount 10%. Buxus Sempervirens, commonly known as the common boxwood, is a plant of the Buxaceae family, spontaneous in Italy in arid, rocky, mainly calcareous areas.It is an erect and...
copy of Sanseveria Plant... copy of Sanseveria Plant... 2
  • Reduced price / -10%
475 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€8.10 €9.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
Peter Pepper Chili Seeds Peter Pepper Chili Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2821 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Peter Pepper Chili Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Jujube tree Jujube tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
498 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Jujube tree

Mondo Piante
€28.50 €30.00
Generalities : The Jujube Tree belongs to the Rhamnaceae family. It originates from Asia where it is highly cultivated. The leaves, deciduous, small, alternate, ovate in shape, are shiny and leathery, have thorny stipules and wavy page. The small, greenish flowers appear in June. The fruits resemble large olives, are dark brown red when ripe, the pulp is...
Baby Alocasia plant Baby Alocasia plant 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1109 pezzi -
Time left
Piante Da Interno

Baby Alocasia plant

Mondo Piante
€9.50 €10.00
Generality of the Baby Alocasia Plant:: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears.. -disponible IN 5/7 days jar 12cm, height 20/25cm
Horse Tooth Pomegranate Tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
1380 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Horse Tooth Pomegranate Tree

Mondo Piante
€11.40 €12.00
Generality of the Horse Tooth Pomegranate Tree:  The Horse Tooth Pomegranate Tree is the best known variety on the market, with an intense ruby red color and semi-hard seeds. Sweet and very tasty both to be consumed fresh and to obtain a juice, the Wonderful pomegranate is "late": it is available from the end of October until the end of March. This strain...
copy of Spinach Seeds copy of Spinach Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4125 pezzi -
Time left
Vegetable Seeds

copy of Spinach Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Muehlenbeckia Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
1448 pezzi -
Time left
Garden Plants

Muehlenbeckia Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.70 €2.00
Generalità Pianta Muehlenbeckia: La pianta Muehlenbeckia è una sempreverde della famiglia delle Polygonaceae, originaria della Nuova Zelanda, può raggiungere i 5m di altezza. Si tratta di una pianta vigorosa con portamento tappezzante, capace di ricoprire terreni e zone rocciose ma può essere piantata anche in vaso per decorare le terrazze. Vaso 7cm,...
Rocky Gardens Seeds Rocky Gardens Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2255 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Rocky Gardens Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Curly Basil Seeds Curly Basil Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2831 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Curly Basil Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Quintal Pumpkin Seeds Quintal Pumpkin Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2830 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Quintal Pumpkin Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Pepino Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
2 pezzi -
Time left
Bush Plants

Pepino Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.37 €7.49
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Canary Palm Seeds Canary Palm Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2258 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Canary Palm Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
copy of Yucca Plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
481 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Yucca Plant

Mondo Piante
€10.36 €10.90
Generalità Pianta Aucuba: La pianta Aucuba appartiene alla famiglia delle Cornaceae,una robusta e molto decorativa pianta d'appartamento e da giardino proveniente dal Giappone, molto apprezzata per il suo fogliame folto e molto colorato e per le bacche rosse lucide. Sono piante arbustive sempreverdi che ricordano l'alloro , molto utilizzate a scopo...
Sour cherry tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
1074 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Sour cherry tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: The black cherry tree (Prunus ceranus) is a close relative of the cherry tree and is also known as sour cherry or black cherry. Originally from Asia Minor, in the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, you produce fruit with a sweet and sour taste but still very tasty, which represent a real cure-all for our health. Amarena has a...
copy of Alocasia tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
471 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Alocasia tree

Mondo Piante
€8.54 €8.99
Generality of the Alocasia Tree plant: The Alocasia plant is a beautiful plant suitable for indoor or heated greenhouse cultivation. It is highly appreciated for its vigor and for the "exotic" appearance it can give to our home. Because of their shape they are also called elephant ears. -avaible IN 5/7 days jar 50cm, height 200/220cm
copy of Privet plant copy of Privet plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
1 pezzi -
Time left
Hedge Plants

copy of Privet plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalities of the Privet Plant: Privet is a flowering plant of the genus ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of upright, deciduous, or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees. The privet is a group of shrubs and small trees from South and East Asia, which extends from the Himalayas to Australia. They can be evergreen...
Coprosma Tricolor Plant Coprosma Tricolor Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -15%
Time left
Bush Plants

Coprosma Tricolor Plant

Mondo Piante
€3.39 €3.99
Generalità Pianta Coprosma Tricolor: La pianta Coprosma è un Arbusto sempreverde molto particolare, dalle foglie ovali, carnose e lucidissime, tanto da sembrare a volte bagnate. Originaria della Nuova Zelanda, queste piante in natura diventano degli arbusti alti 60/80cm. La pianta è decorativa soprattutto per le foglie che sono cangianti in base alla...
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
  • Reduced price / -5%
1329 pezzi -
Time left
Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€6.65 €7.00
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
Campanula Seeds Campanula Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2321 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Campanula Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Pianta Westringia... copy of Pianta Westringia... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
982 pezzi -
Time left
Garden Palms

copy of Pianta Westringia Fruticosa Vaso 7cm

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Generalità Pianta Westringia Fruticosa: La Westringia è un grazioso arbusto sempreverde delle Lamiaceae, che evoca il rosmarino per le foglie aghiformi color verde-grigio, che in estate tendono a diventare più chiare, argento-biancastre. Pianta robusta e decorativa, a crescita rapida, forma cespugli arrotondati e densi, alti poco più di un metro, ed è...
Khaki Chocolate Tree Khaki Chocolate Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
12178 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Khaki Chocolate Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: Chocolate kaki, like all khaki, can be grown in all regions of Italy, both in the plains and in the hilly areas, where the winters are not too harsh. Like any khaki, it is decorative in all seasons for the beautiful thick and shiny foliage and, especially in autumn, when the colorful fruits stand out on the bare branches. jar  16cm, height...
Hazel Tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
4177 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Hazel Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: The hazelnut belonging to the Betulaceae family grows in many regions of Europe, as well as in Western Asia and in some areas of Northern Africa. In Italy we find it in many regions from Lazio to Piedmont, passing through Tuscany and Campania, in the plains as well as in mountain regions up to 1400 meters above sea level. Of the genus...
Pear tree thigh Pear tree thigh 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2501 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Pear tree thigh

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities   : The Coscia Pear is a summer and early pear, grown mainly in the central and southern regions. Small in size, it has yellow and red skin. The pulp is juicy, sugary and grainy, with an intense flavor. It is excellent eaten fresh, paired with semi-mature and spicy cheeses, or cooked. Since it is very delicate, the pear thigh is collected...
Rhubarb Seeds Rhubarb Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2825 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Rhubarb Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
  • Reduced price / -5%
1080 pezzi -
Time left
Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
Zinnia Californiana Seeds Zinnia Californiana Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2347 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Zinnia Californiana Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Golden Delicious apple Golden Delicious apple 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
10221 pezzi -
Time left
Fruit Plants

Golden Delicious apple

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generaliies: The Golden Delicius Apple is a very popular variety of apple tree of great value and widely cultivated. The tree is vigorous and very productive, the fruit is of medium size with a golden yellow skin when fully ripe. The cream colored pulp is compact and crunchy, juicy, slightly acidulous, very aromatic, with a good sugar content and acidity....
copy of Sanseveria Plant...
  • Reduced price / -10%
1338 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Sanseveria Plant Composition, Ceramic Vase

Mondo Piante
€11.70 €13.00
Generality of the Sanseveria plant: It is a very common houseplant, it is often placed in a beautiful vase or pot holder to make it a pleasant piece of furniture. Being space-saving and requiring little care, it is perfect as an office plant and for public establishments such as shops, bars, restaurants, etc. Sansevieria (also called Sanseveria or...
Lantern Chili Seeds Lantern Chili Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2842 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Lantern Chili Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Tradescantia Plant copy of Tradescantia Plant 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
584 pezzi -
Time left

copy of Tradescantia Plant

Mondo Piante
€4.75 €5.00
Generalità Pianta Abelia Confetti: La Pianta Abelia Confetti è un arbusto di medie dimensioni. La Pianta Abelia grandiflora ha portamento tondeggiante con fogliame tendente al bianco e gli esemplari di alcuni anni raggiungono l'altezza e la larghezza di 100-120 cm.Le foglie sono ovali di un bel verde scuro e lucido; le nuove foglie sono color bronzo, e in...
Chorisia tree Chorisia tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
Time left
Garden Trees

Chorisia tree

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Generalities Chorisia tree: Chorisia speciosa is a tree of the Bombacaceae family (the same to which the baobab belongs) and immediately catches the attention for its trunk full of thorns. The trunk, just like that of the baobab tree, is swollen at the base and is covered with large conical thorns. In its natural habitat, Chorisia speciosa can reach and...
copy of Cotoneaster Queen...
  • Reduced price / -5%
3840 pezzi -
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Garden Plants

copy of Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Generalità Pianta Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets: La pianta Cotoneaster Quenn Of Carpets ha un portamento variabile, eretto o prostrato. Le specie decidue in autunno si ricoprono di colori vivaci, le sempreverdi sono adatte a formare siepi e quelle prostrate per coprire il terreno. Le foglie sono piccole di colore verde brillante, che diventano rossastre in...
Senecio Serpens Senecio Serpens 2
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Succulent plants

Senecio Serpens

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
copy of 'Nepenthes'... copy of 'Nepenthes'... 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4996 pezzi -
Time left
Carnivorous plants

copy of 'Nepenthes' Carnivorous Plant

Mondo Piante
€24.69 €25.99
Generality of the Nepenthes Plant: Nepenthes are carnivorous plants that capture their prey by means of ASCIDI OR SIMILAR mechanisms deriving from the modification of some leaves. The flap of the modified leaves loses, in whole or in part, its shape to become a trap that takes the function of capturing small animal prey. On-line Sale of the Nepenthes...
Red currant plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
1267 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Red currant plant

Mondo Piante
€14.25 €15.00
Generality of the Red currant plant: The Currant plant is a deciduous shrub, with a size close to 120-150 cm, it is widespread in Europe, North America and Asia. It constitutes a vigorous stump, from which erect, cylindrical, rigid, scarcely branched stems branch off; the leaves are deep green and have 3-5 lobes, with a toothed margin. In spring it...
Hatiora Succulent Plant Hatiora Succulent Plant 2
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Succulent plants

Hatiora Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.85 €3.00
Cedar Tree Cedar Tree 2
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1259 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Cedar Tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generalities: Cedar is an evergreen plant native to India. The leaves are oval with a dark green toothed margin. The flowers are large, red-purple in color. The fruits are large and oval. The zest is widely used to make liqueurs and essential oils while the juice is used as a drink. Height 150 / 160cm
copy of Marigold seeds
  • Reduced price / -5%
2067 pezzi -
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copy of Marigold seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Generality of the Incense Plant: Calendula officinalis is a typical plant of the Mediterranean region, with bright orange flowers. The beautiful flower heads of marigold are widely used in the production of natural cosmetics or other very effective home remedies.In addition to the beauty of its flowers, calendula is known for its healing properties such...
Dinosaurs Plant Seeds Dinosaurs Plant Seeds 2
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2060 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Dinosaurs Plant Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
Rainbow Coleus Seeds Rainbow Coleus Seeds 2
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2252 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Rainbow Coleus Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Aeonium Haworthii...
  • Reduced price / -5%
493 pezzi -
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Succulent plants

copy of Aeonium Haworthii Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€11.40 €12.00
Generalità Pianta Grassa Aeonium Haworthii: L’ Aeonium è una bella pianta grassa succulenta che presenta fusto dritto e carnoso, di colore marrone chiaro, molto ramificato negli esemplari adulti; ogni fusto porta alla sommità una rosetta di foglie succulente produce una larga spiga di fiori a forma di stella, di colore giallo, rosa, rosso o bianco. La...
Hyssop Seeds Hyssop Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1952 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Hyssop Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
Ozothamnus Rosmarinifolia...
  • Reduced price / -15%
1401 pezzi -
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Bush Plants

Ozothamnus Rosmarinifolia Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Ozothamnus Rosmarinifolia  : La Pianta Ozothamnus Rosmarinfolia è un interessante cespuglio sempreverde dal fogliame aghiforme di colore verde intenso.La fioritura primaverile è solitamente seguita da una seconda fioritura autunnale, in cui le gemme si presentano di un bel colore roso-porpora, molto decorativo.Per un miglior risultato si...
Tibouchina Plant
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Bush Plants

Tibouchina Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Tibouchina   : Le Tibouchina sono arbusti sempreverdi di origine brasiliana dalla bellissima fioritura e dalle foglie vellutate. Hanno portamento rampicante o ricadente, e si sviluppano fino a circa un metro di altezza. I fusti sono semilegnosi; le foglie sono grandi, ovali di colore verde scuro. Per tutta l'estate produce vistose...
Datura Plant Seeds Datura Plant Seeds 2
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2288 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Datura Plant Seeds

Mondo Piante
€2.38 €2.50
Eremophila Nivea Plant
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Bush Plants

Eremophila Nivea Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.69 €1.99
Generalità Pianta Eremophila Nivea: L’eremophila nivea è una pianta arbustiva apprezzata per il suo fogliame altamente decorativo di colore bianco-argenteo e gradevolmente profumato, adatta alla coltivazione in piena terra e facile anche da allevare in vaso.Lo splendido fogliame bianco argenteo persiste tutto l'anno, le piccole foglie sono lineari e...
Sunrise Lime tree Sunrise Lime tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1109 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Sunrise Lime tree

Mondo Piante
€23.75 €25.00
Generality Sunrise Lime Tree: Sunrise Lime is a hybrid of Citrus australasica (finger lime) and a calamondino, which is also a hybrid between mandarin and Kumquat. Sunrise Lime produces attractive golden fruits that ripen in winter. The foliage is dark, shiny-green the leaves are oval in shape. The cream-colored flowers appear in spring and early summer....
Common Walnut Tree Common Walnut Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
4129 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Common Walnut Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generality of the Common Walnut Tree: Walnut is one of the oldest fruit trees cultivated by man.Its fruits can be eaten fresh or dried. In addition, they can be used to make sweets, to extract their oil and, when they are still green, to make the famous nocino liqueur. The walnut tree is also of great value for its precious, hard and eternal wood. It is...
Sesame Seeds Sesame Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
11402 pezzi -
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Seeds and Bulbs

Sesame Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.43 €1.50
copy of Bigarreau Cherry Tree
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Fruit Plants

copy of Bigarreau Cherry Tree

Mondo Piante
€12.26 €12.90
Generalities Bigarreau Cherry Tree: Bigarreau Burlat cherry produces bright red pulp cherries. It reaches maturity in late May, early June. jar 16cm, height 120/160cm jar 22cm, height 150/170cm
Goldrich apricot tree Goldrich apricot tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
12889 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Goldrich apricot tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalies: Apricot Goldrich is a medium-early or intermediate ripening plant of American origin and obtained in the state of Washington from H. Google. Medium vigorous tree with upright growth habit, medium productivity and non-compatible or partially self-fertile with the need for pollinators such as Bella d'Imola, Portici and Sabbatani. Fruit on...
Kniphofia Plant
  • Reduced price / -15%
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Bush Plants

Kniphofia Plant

Mondo Piante
€2.13 €2.50
Generalità Pianta Kniphofia: La pianta Kniphofia è originaria dell’Africa centro-orientale e meridionale, è una pianta erbacea della famiglia delle Liliacee. È facilmente riconoscibile per le sue pannocchie di fiori tubolari, che compaiono tra giugno e settembre sui lunghi fusti della pianta. I colori dei fiori variano a seconda della specie; molto...
Gasteria Succulent Plant
  • Reduced price / -5%
905 pezzi -
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Succulent plants

Gasteria Succulent Plant

Mondo Piante
€1.90 €2.00
Azzeruolo Tree Azzeruolo Tree 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
25385 pezzi -
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Fruit Plants

Azzeruolo Tree

Mondo Piante
€19.00 €20.00
Generalities: The Tree of Azzeruolo is a usually bushy plant and can even reach 6-8 meters in height. It has a dark colored trunk with a furrowed bark, depending on the variety there may be some distinctions in appearance. The young branches are tomentose, the varieties of red azzeruolo often have gnarled branches. The leaves can be small or medium to...
Cucumber Seeds Cucumber Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
2855 pezzi -
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Vegetable Seeds

Cucumber Seeds

Mondo Piante
€0.86 €0.90
Ascolana Tender Olive Tree
  • Reduced price / -5%
4159 pezzi -
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Citrus Plants

Ascolana Tender Olive Tree

Mondo Piante
€17.96 €18.90
Generalities: The Ascolana Tenera Olive is a very popular variety for its particularly large olives (8-10 grams), light green when harvested and rich in very tender and very tasty pulp.It is pollinated by the Pendolino varieties, and by other olive varieties such as Leccino or Moraiolo. jar 22cm,height 150/170cm
Dimorfoteca Seeds Dimorfoteca Seeds 2
  • Reduced price / -5%
1471 pezzi -
Time left
Seeds and Bulbs

Dimorfoteca Seeds

Mondo Piante
€1.14 €1.20
copy of Northern banana...
  • Reduced price / -5%
499 pezzi -
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€14.25 €15.00
Generalities: Avocado is an exotic fruit that is recently starting to be grown in Italy too, especially in the regions of the far south such as Calabria and Sicily. Its scientific name is Persea americana and it is popularly known as avocado or avocado tree. This plant belongs to the Lauraceae family and has been cultivated for over 7,000 years. The...
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